Hi, guys I'm new to this, but I was rowsing through some of the maps on the site here, and I have a question. what special fx combo do you use to get the neon look on your maps? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Well I tried the Juicy/Purple combo on a friend's T.V. but it was way too dark. I'm trying to recreate Stopex's Lazer Tag effect, but I cant figure out where he done it in Forge or how to get the ramps and other stuff to glow.
What you might be looking for was he used shield doors to make them glow like thye do by forging them close to the ramp it gives off the blue. He also used purple i think for the Fx maybe another one but i now purple for sure.
I don't think you need Xbox live to download maps. You do need an account linked to Live (Bungie can't just guess your gamertag), but you don't have to pay for Gold. Now, I could be wrong about this, but have you ever tried to download a map?