I think the idea of using fusion coils for "no-mans-land" is a good one and not really cheap. Trench warfare was a nasty business and traversing the death field between trenches (no-mans-land) was virtual suicide. Most battles were fought via ranged weapons. Therefore, I think using fusion coils to simulate a death field is a good idea. I saw a pretty interesting use of teleporters to create "booby traps" that might have worked a little better, but I do like the map overall. I was also thinking about making a trench warfare map though my vision of it was a little different.
Beautiful layout and well-made features distinguish this from the run-of-the-mill Foundry maps. My one tiny, tiny concern is that the field of battle is a bit too flat and would only offer cover to those who have mastered crouching. Oh well, more of a challenge I guess.
just wondering, if its supposed to be off the ww1 battle wouldnt the name be spelled verdun? still a very tidy looking map, good job
I've made trenchlike maps before (Honestly before I saw this, not trying to copy, mine is very different) and I used dumpsters to hold a horizontal wall up. How did you get your bridges at that height off the ground? What did you use?
I have two problems. -Escaping is quick and easy -Fusion coils don't sit well with me. Other than that, great job!
Dang it I was gonna build a trench warfare map. It wouldnnt have been as good as this though. Im def dling.
excellent, also, in v2, if i may suggest, don't have a line of fusion coils set to instant respawn...let alone a line of fusion coils...maybe some fusion coils spread about as someone previously mentioned...I would like to say I'm glad to see you're going to make the trenches lower, that will help alot for the fact of trench warfare... Keep up the good work
yeah, like i said, I didnt use infinite money so I didnt have enought to make the wall bigger. as for the fusion coils, it wouldnt be aa battle without explosion =P
Map: Battle of Verden Author: Esquisofrenic Gametypes: None that work. Reviewer: Chipsinabox ^^ Fusion coils don't seem to belong vv -Review- Enjoyment: 3/10 As I was counting down the timer in the custom games lobby, I thought "This map looks promising for intense gameplay". That is not the case. Once I spawned in a ffa slayer game, I was instantly out of the map. The only way to actually get inside the designated area, was to drop into a nearby sender node. I honestly thought there was some freak 'glitch', making me start outside. Game attempt 2 has gone underway, and still, I'm outside. The reason be is that Esquisofrenic didn't bother moving any of the starting points for ANY game type. Neither for objective based variants. This diminishes the map's overall gameplay and value by a massive amount. Balance: 8/10 The interior of the map seems to be identical, so it is virtually balanced, with exceptions to the shotgun at center side. Each side has it's large arsenal of weapons, including turrets, leaving almost nothing in the center. It's so identical, it's boring. Durability: 4/10 Since players spawn outside the map, objective objects inaccessible, and outer walls are very easy to jump over, I can't give this a higher rating than 4. Believe me, the map is virtually broken. It gets immensely annoying when you happen to be shooting at an enemy, and he/she escapes by jumping over the boundary walls. Aesthetics: 7/10 Although the walls are too low, the map is pleasing to the eye., until you find yourself stuck between the geometric walls of foundry and an upside down single box. That's when you wish the forger spent a little more time working with the geo walls an his slanted walls. Half the walls look like they were placed with haste, leaving behind a sloppy footprint telling us tat the forger didn't care too much. Originality: 8/10 I've only seen a few other maps created for trench style warfare, telling me that the forger likes to create something fresh. A big plus in my book. Overall Score: 4.5/10 (FAIR) I know this is the first version of 'Battle of Verden', but there needs to be a huge overhaul on fixes and spawn placement. Until that happens, I declare this map Broken until v2 is released. I hope to see another version, because this map does have potentiality.
im gonna work ont the V2 of it more beforeI post it, becuase they gametypes that I thought work dont, like the post above me said.