Why do I keep getting the bad kids?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by 4shot, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Yes, another complaint forum. Getting tired of these, I presume. Anyhow, what's wrong with the Team Objective playlist? Every time I go start up a game, my team has 2-3 bad kids on it and possibly one good objective player at the most. On the other hand, the other team gets 3-4 highly skilled generals who have overwhelmingly high teamwork. So, why does this happen? Oh, and don't go making the excuse "Oh, they're just as skilled as you" cause that's bs. Whenever I get matched up with these players (which happens mostly in Team Objective), I go 2-3 times their kills and have the only captured objective(s) in the game. Shouldn't Bungie know how to mold a better player searching for matchmaking?

    Also, in case of possible solutions, my Psych Profile and search restrictions:

    Chattiness: No Preference
    Motivation: No Preference
    Teamwork: Team Player (which I am obviously not getting, hence the fact that none of my teammates ever manage to capture or assist in the capture of an objective)
    Tone: No Preference

    As for search restrictions, I have none.

    My point is, I'm getting tired of having to quit objective games whenever I get matched up with bad kids who can't figure out how to capture an objective. I haven't been "banned" yet, but I see it coming. (not that I care, but it can get annoying after a couple bans)

    Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.
    #1 4shot, Jan 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i share your frustration in this matter.

    too often do i notice people voting for objective games,
    only for the purpose of farming kills and ignoring the objective.

    imo, one of the greatest experiences in Halo is a well-organized, successful flag run.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Are you getting matched up with randoms against people playing together? If so, it's simple math. Any team of 4 players in the playlist increases your chance of being on a team with 3 randoms, badly outclassed by 4 superior players who know each other and play well together; the more teams there are, the more likely it is that you'll be in this situation. On top of that, if there are teams of just 2-3 players, your odds of being on the opposing team with all randoms are higher than your odds of being on the good team. (Say a team of 3 good players ends up in your game - as one of the 5 randoms, your odds of being on the desirable team are only 20%.)

    Best solution: get good players on your friends list however you can, and team up with them for matchmaking. In fact that's really the ONLY solution. Otherwise - just don't get too down about it and play the game more for fun than competition. I had a game the other day where I was CLEARLY the best guy in the game, had over 20 kills, and we still lost by ten. Had to just shrug it off - that's what I get for taking the luck of the draw.
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Now you know why don't play objective without a full team of people I know.
    Even though I play very much the lone wolf even with a team it still helps to have people who fit well together so that if I need backup it's provided and vice versa.
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Why would you try to play Team Objective on days where challenges favor not completing the objective in Matchmaking?

    Word of advice... if you wanna play a team game, try going in with other players. I frequent Mutli-Team for completing challenges and love choosing objective games so I can focus on doing everything but the objective.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I still find it a little disheartening that there is a fundamental problem facing anyone going in to certain playlists on their own, an option that shouldn't simply be off limits for fear of regularly being matched against a To4 with randoms on your team. KC mentioned (I think in a tweet) that he'd talked to Bungie about randoms vs. party games being possible, let alone so common, in the MLG playlist being something that needed to be addressed. I don't know what came of that, though apparently the runtime max issue is now resolved so maybe that is too. Either way, I think this sorely needs to be considered for TO as well. It's (obviously) a heavily teamwork focused playlist even when compared to the other 4v4 options, and one that those going in as a party seem to gravitate to (in that To4s seem to form a higher percentage of the population than is true in, say, TS). Personally I think the game should try to avoid randoms vs. To4 situations in any team playlist full stop, but clearly there has to be some give in making search time smaller, and for various reasons (slayer gametypes, sheer size of playlist population seeming to present more options for party-balanced teams, and other things) it's less urgent in some playlist than others.

    But imo, TO is the most in need of this same treatment other than MLG, and since the precedent is there in the latter it may be worth a community push for it. The only downside is that an already underpopulated (comparatively speaking, overall it seems pretty healthy though I'd always like to see higher numbers in an objective playlist, closer to the point of balance with Slayer ones) playlist would probably see wait times and opponent variety decrease a notable amount. On the other hand, it could help what is essentially a self perpetuating problem with objective team games: randoms find it more intimidating for the same reasons which make a To4 so dominant, only putting them off going in on their own further. Putting people who associate TO with getting dumped on against randoms as well as with them could give them more of a chance to enjoy Halo's strength in objective gametypes, possibly bringing a little more balanced participating to the playlist in the form of more randoms willing to drop in. There will still always be problems like the one Titmar mentioned (kill farming, a lax attitude to the objective in an objective gametype is always pretty disappointing), but I feel it could help the situation a lot if Bungie are willing to try it.
  7. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Couldn't have summed it up better myself. I'm not only talking about party of 4 players, but I'm also speaking of 4 randoms being matched up together that are typically good at completing objectives. IMO, it would probably fix the issue for the most part by removing kill-oriented multiplayer challenges. All this does is cause players in TO to go for the kills rather than the thing that's going to help them to win---the OBJECTIVE!
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Well it's not just x # of kill oriented challenges. I find objective games to be great for assists and mutli-kills... shotgun sprees, grenade kills, etc.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Very true. I'll be honest, when I want to stat ***** in Rumble Pit I'll vote for Hill or Ball (exactly how I got my Unfrigginbelievable), though I suppose at least I'm not screwing over any team mates by doing that. I never go in to TO without at least one friend really, not even just because of the problems with balanced teams but because it just isn't nearly as fun without someone who I have some teamwork chemistry with. Rolling as a 4 is great when I can get the people together, though I have to admit that I'd still be happier if I felt I could go in on my own and expect a decent proportion of playable games objective wise.

    @ 4shot: Getting the game to gauge objective skill is difficult I guess, let alone expecting to get a balanced match in all respects in a non-Arena playlist. I definitely see what you're saying, but I think certain problems are always going to exist in TO particularly due to the nature of objective team games. Imo the To4 issue is one of the biggest and easily solvable obstacles to a more universally enjoyable playlist, I sure hope Bungie at least consider it.
    #9 Pegasi, Jan 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I frequently read the Bungie forums and all I hear is kids crying for 1-50 ranks. I honestly believe that the only number that should be used is average place for each playlist. That way the focus for all high rankings in every playlist, is winning. You wanna just be selfish and only go for kills, it doesn't matter how many kills you get... it won't change your average place if you lose. You'd also to easily be able to tell who plays to win... especially in objective game types.

    Of course with only a 1st/2nd place in team games, the average place would have to go to 2-3 decimal places... but that should still be a decent gauge on how team oriented players are.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Go on the MLG forums, you'll hear exactly the same thing... It gets really dull. In one sense their motivation is correct in that they want the MLG matchups to be consistent and balanced, the background trueskill system is all very well but I have to agree that it's hard to see the effects often enough, regardless of playlist. I got matched against Pistola in MLG a little while ago, that in itself should make the point, and I'd been playing MLG a reasonable amount since release at that point. I've still yet to get to the point of balanced matches in FFA/TS etc. and it's basically easy kills 95+% of the time with the occasional challenging player and we fight it out amidst the cannon fodder. I dunno how much this is to do with the average skill of Rumble Pit players, but I can say for sure that it'd be possible to give me much more even matches on a semi regular basis.

    I do agree that winning should define any kind of rank/trueskill alot more than is currently the case in any team games, at the end of the day I think that's the biggest deficiency in Bungie's current approach to ranking and deciding skill in Reach compared to older games. But yeah, the 1-50 system is dead and people really need to accept that, most are just tryhards who miss the number next to their name.
    #11 Pegasi, Jan 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  12. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    Search preferences are glitched. They do not work.

    Put search restriction to good connection. Most BKs live with their parents and have rage problems and are bad because of it so thus parents must divert money away from good internet to other things......

    That should aswer everything.
  13. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Generals have no skill. They are no-lifes that try to find their life in videogames like Halo: Reach and learn the weapon placement from every map out of their head so they can always rush for the power weapons. Generals also tend to camp and use nooby tactics and button combos. That is my opinion on Generals. And it's also terrible to have thm on your team because they steal all your kills, try to get you booted, grab power weapons before you; everything to annoy you.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Then your opinion on Generals is, I'm afraid, highly misguided and quite bitter in its foundation if you ask me. First, they have no life because they've gotten to a certain rank almost 4 months after the game's release? Way to pick an arbitrary point and say 'you play too much' whilst sitting pretty at Colonel, you do realise that everyone around Major, Lt. Colonel etc. could just as well say you have no life and have as much basis as you do?

    As for no skill, when I read that as your opening statement I assumed you were talking about the fact that Reach has cumulative ranking rather than skill based ranking like H2/3. I was about to point out that even in this sense someone who has played the game enough to Reach general is likely to be better than, say, a Warrant Officer simply through experience and getting a feel for the game. But wow, you clearly are just something special aren't you? If you're going to engage in the senseless human tendency to generalise (no pun intended) without reason, at least do it in a meaningful context, you're simply embarrassing yourself at this stage.

    I also love how you think knowing where weapons spawn (again, you're a colonel, if you've played that much and still can't remember where weapons spawn then you must be actively trying to avoid any form of even basic strategy and there's no real hope for you, but there's similarly no need to hate on others for it) and using button combos (do you know how difficult the BXR equivalent is in Reach, and how hard it is to use effectively since it's host-only? I've seen 3 instances of it being used in an actual game and 2 of those could have easily been fake) is nooby. I've never understood people who actively cling on to being bad at a game, let alone those who then try to take pride in it. Not saying everyone should strive to be awesome, hell its supposed to be fun, but why do you insist on hating on those who are an arbitrary amount better than you?

    Also, no I'm not a general, but tbh I'm only about 180,000 credits away. If, when I get there, I magically transform in to someone like you just described, an evil spawn of Halo who's only purpose is to ruin the game for good, upstanding players like yourself, then I shall come back and give you a cookie.
  15. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I've noticed this has happened more in the last couple weeks, probably cause a lot of kids just got it for christmas. After the ranks/skill gets more accurate the matches will get better. this happened a lot during the first few days after 9/14, if I remember correctly
  16. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Sorry. I was not reffering to ALL Generals, but a lot of them and i was also referring to people higher ranked than General like Field Marshall, Hero, Legend or Mythic. I do know a lot of Weapon spawns but not all of them like most of the extremely high ranked do. I rarely "pwn" Generals cause that's what they do mostly with me by ampin and other nooby tactics but guess what happens when you win a FFA Slayer Game with 25 points and the rest has less than 10 points and all a negative k/d(I still can't believe how i did that) and there is a General that has only 5 points cause you kill him all the time? Guess what happens? They start sending YOU hatemail. It's just incredible. I also saw once a french guy that was Mythic, 20 years old, complained about how real life sucked and was an anime fan. He was also Sniper camping.

    Now don't start to say that he was skilly. He is a no-life.



    EDIT: I mean no offense to you, Pegasi.

    2nd EDIT: But not all Generals are like that. But a lot of them are. But not all. Bu i have never seen a non-nooby Field Marshalls. Cause Field Marshalls and higher ARE pure noobs.

    Wow, those wre a lot of "buts".
    #16 artifact123, Jan 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  17. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    Alot of high ranking people are no skill boosters. Its well known! Sheesh I came across this team who were sending me hate mail cause I WAS Lt. Colonel. They said I have no life. I share my account though....

    Anyway back to what I was originally going at the generals have no skill. I've been spawn-killed by them. I've seen them camping the rocket spawn. I've seen one shoot my banshee on Paridiso because I chose Jetpack (in case I have to eject I can get back to ground safly. I only succed about once every 4 times :( but its better than none) to get me up there faster. And guess what? He got in a scorpion and betrayed me a minute later. No boot option which pisses me off more.

    And plus I agree with artifact! All of the super high-rankers I have encountered are noobish. I have ONE though who is my friend who actually has some skill (He can kick some serious ass with a magnum) despite his over-abitious behaviour.
    But back on topic the other ones I have seen ALL vote for stupid stuff like : Elite Slayer on Powerhouse, Territories on HemmorRAGE, Snipers on Breakpoint, Slayer Pro on Anchor 9 (I think it sucks. Too many campers by the rocket!) and worst of all : ELITE SLAYER ON ANY MAP

    I barely beat them. One game my whole team quit. Why? They raged when they were hogging the shotty, SWORD AND cuncussion rifle in the outdoor area! I relied on the chuck norris PP and classic AR though to get me 22 or something kills against them though. They won by a meager two points. What do they do? They rate me down and say I have no life. Kinda ironic coming from a no-life booster eh?
  18. Dav

    Dav Forerunner

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    ...Is there something wrong with liking anime? I don't think that comment was fairly helpful to your argument that this person had no life. Lot's of people, including myself, partake in watching the novelty of Japanese animation while still carrying out "real lives". Also, how did you obtain this information about him? Did you interrogate him?

    Don't get all pissy because you get matched up with people you don't like. The ban for quitting is only 15 minutes. Play with friends; I'm sure they'll put up with it along with you.

    Most Generals, Field Marshalls, Heroes, Mythics, etc. play Firefight--probably for the same reason you're complaining about the Matchmaking system. Since the ranking system provides cR for all gametypes, maybe you can hop on over to that playlist and get 3-4x cR per game.
  19. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    I'm not saying I don't like the matchmaking system because it matches me up with people I don't like, but rather, people with no teamwork ability in a high-teamwork requiring playlist. You should be capturing and defending the objective, not practically committing suicide just so you can get another kill. Also, I wasn't referring to the booster generals, I was referring to the TRUE generals; the ones that have almost Onyx MAX in their skill-requiring MM commendations. I wouldn't quit playing Matchmaking because of a problem in ONE playlist. I would simply play that playlist a whole lot less than I normally would. My biggest problem is that people go into this playlist only to boost their challenges.
  20. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I just played a few games of Team Objective for the first time and it was pretty nice. Especcially Stockpile on Sword Base. I had to fight against 3 Sergeants and 1 Guests which were all new to the Halo experience and thanks to their bad aim i got a lot of Flag kills. Since my team was also composed of Sergeants there was no rush for power weapons. Neither did i bother. I did grab the Sword one but that's all. Heck, i should play in this Playlist more often.

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