Hi there, Probs heaps dumb question, and not sure if this is the section, I could not find like a help section? Anyway when Forging in Reach, I have a lot of trouble getting pieces to align vertically, so, a block and a ramp, that may not be on the ground. Using the L and R bumper buttons to move up and down it always moves too far either way, and can take ages to get flush..?? Is there a snap option, or a way to get more controlled movement vertically?
Have you tried the Edit Coordinates option that can be found by pressing B when holding an object? It has it's own set of problems since the finest unit of movement (1 decimal place) still isn't fine enough for many circumstances, but it may help you. I agree that LB and RB are much less useable than they should be. EDIT: And just for future reference, forge related questions should be posted in the Halo Reach Forge Discussion forum. No harm done, but I've requested that this thread be moved to there, so don't worry if it disappears from here, it'll be in there.
The coordinate editor isnt the finest unit of movement. If you press you crouch button (by default, Left Stick) and use LB or RB you can move the object very very slowly, this goes true for every direction of movement. Good luck and happy forging
Cool thanks for that, and yeah was not sure if this was right section, so now I know! I'll try the co ordinates, I did see that but have not tried. I usually slide the piece up or down then press A to let go which stops it in place quickly. But I thought surely there would be a way to lock to vertical axis and control height with analogue stick. Guess not
I've personally found that the fine movement tool really isn't as fine as it could be, but good advice nonetheless.
While holding crouch the object will move less than 0.1 on the coordinate grid, i think that it moves it something like 5 or so movements for crouching than using the coordinate grid. The only problem that I have found with it, is that its extremely hard to keep it consistent with other blocks... Which is usually a major problem :\
I don't care too much about perfect alignment, (when you see my map you will understand) but I just don't want players to be "tripped up" when running from a ramp to a platform etc, nothing worse when your fighting someone. I've found a little mis alignment on this front is ok, spartan just runs over it fine. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Man its amazing how much time forging can eat up! Reminds me of building lego as a kid
Definitely not when you're using fine editing with the bumpers. They're still completely out of control, meaning that they're only good for removing Z-fighting -- and even then, only with the A button jumping into the mix. @OP: If you must finely move something vertically, try moving it in micro-increments, by tapping A immediately as you press the bumper. You'll let go of the object the moment you start moving it. This takes more actual movements of the object to get it into place, but the increased precision that results means that this technique saves much more time than it adds.