What is/are your favorite playlist(s) and why? These are my favorites: 1. Invasion: I don't really like Spire and i hate Hemmorhage and Paradiso, but Boneyard, Breakpoint are awesome. I still haven't tried Invasion Slayer on Tempest or on Breakpoint even though i play Invasion all the time. 2. Firefight: Just the standard one, on Holdout or on Glacier. 3. Living Dead: Even though it turns into a ****** when a no-life enters the game and also gets double-digit Bulltrues which means he had lots of luck. I also hate those stupid Betrayal glitches and "i hit(or shoot) enemy, enemy stands still for one second, enemy kills me when he should be dead." Still it's sometimes nice to get big Multikills like Killtaculars or Killtrocities. 4. Noble Map Pack: The only thing i like here is Invasion: Breakoint. That's all. EDIT: What the hell? I ask for 10 Poll Options, type them, and it only shows 5?
When the rest of the Part are all Sergeants, Guests, Privates and Warrant Officcers then i tend to get some good Medals...*cough*Killtrocity*cough*Buck Wild*cough*
Rumble Pit and TS for casual fun, though I'm not a huge fan of the weightings in either. MLG and Arena FFA for more serious play. Invasion's really fun when my friend Alex is in my party, he loves it and we make a great fireteam.
Of the listed ones, Firefight for me. I didn't play any of it until I started caring about daily challenges, but I've quickly started to really like that game. The only thing I don't care for is that it's pretty lag-infested. The actual games are pretty fun though. My overall favorite (not listed) is probably either big team battle or team objective, depending on my mood.
MLG all the way. I enjoy Team Arena from time to time, but I get bored of TS game types fairly quick...
MLG bores me, and Infection has WAY too many problems to be played well anymore. It needs community maps, not Boardwalk and Powerhouse and Pinnacle. BTB and Invasion for casual play, Doubles Arena for competitive, SWAT and Snipers for casually competitive play.
I agree that MLG is the only playlist I value competitively (though FFA Arena is turning out to be pretty fun in that regard, have you tried it?), but most of the time I'm with a party it's my irl friends who don't like MLG too much, so TS is still a lot of fun with a decent party. I still don't enjoy Team Arena much at all and even those guys would rather go in to MLG if we're gonna play competitive. Doubles can be some fun though, I find the maps Bungie focus on a bit more agreeable for 2v2 than 4v4, Pinnacle for instance doesn't fill me with disappointment in quite the same way.
The concept of the Invasion game type was the most promising addition to Halo. Unfortunately, I feel that there's too many issues that keep me from enjoying it... and no, it's not what those whiny bitches keep moaning about... like bloom or armor lock. If anything armor abilities shine in this game type. The issues I have with this game are : 1.) Phase 1 spawning sucks and can easily be camped. Spawn camping doesn't prove skill, it proves there's something severely wrong with how a map/game type is set-up. 2.) I can rarely get a full game of Invasion. More often than not, players quit because they don't like the map or want Invasion Slayer. They need to do something about this because the game sucks when it's not a full party trying to complete the objectives. Perhaps give it it's own playlist without Invasion Slayer to reduce quitting. 3.) Non-team oriented players in the playlist. I get so annoyed when I'm with a team that does nothing but go for kills and not bother with the objective. Too many times when I do have a full team, do I see that I'm the only one... or one of 2 people that are trying to complete the objective. When there's 6 elites on Spire camping the core area, it does no good to have 4-5 players sitting outside camping with DMRs and Sniper Rifles... or even in the Falcon flying around shooting at nothing. Right now, about the only thing I play is Campaign or Score Attack.
Still taking digs at those who make reasoned and detailed arguments as to why they disagree with certain aspects of game? I'm sure glad you didn't then go on to make complaints yourself. Oh wait.... So complaining about stuff that Bungie have control over, thus has potential to be addressed, isn't productive at all, but complaining about how the players themselves treat the game, something which no one can control, is? I personally don't experience these problems much with Invasion. Spawn camping is an issue, I have to concede that one, but frankly one that most people don't seem to catch on to enough to exploit it. The fact that said phase 1 spawns are so far from the other team's spawns makes maintaining a spawn trap much more difficult than any other playlists imo. As for the rest, are you going in on your own much? I gave up doing that as you're pretty much guaranteed to either have your buddy screw you over on the regs or just quit out. Annoying, I know I really do, but it's a problem inherent in a game structured around pairs of players, and I don't think having to find one other person for a party is as constricting as, say, 3 or 4 for TO.
BTB and Multi-Team are my favorites. Invasion is a lot of fun when it works like it supposed to, but all that really takes is 2 good teams who are willing to play it like its supposed to be played. When that does happen, its a great time imo...
FFA arena, multiteam, big team battle I only play invasion with 4 or more people in my party, than its fun
I really like Invasion since the scale of the maps, and the amount of the Reach sandbox is included on the maps and within the gametypes. MLG is great when Sprinting Double-Meleers get on my nerves, but MLG Sanctuary gets old after the 74th time. BTB would be my favorite, if it weren't for the Invasion maps being absolute trash for BTB, and nearly every map includes Tanks and/or Banshees, making a Warthog or Ghost obsolete.
Sanc is my favourite map in the game by a factor of 10 at least, though even I have to agree. The playlist (or rather the whole MLG circuit setup) sorely needs more and better maps, though first comes before second. I really hope Ladnil manages to find a workable point with Genome soon, one that Bungie deem workable for MM, so we have at least one more good map to play, and Anchor 9 needs to be worked out and put in too. Though even then I'd ultimately like to see Reflection and Zealot removed, so imo we're still a long way off from a full map set up that I can personally say I'm happy with.
Just got done with a long play test session with Ponytar... More maps are coming. Front runners are still Fiction (by Deathstar), Viridian (by Articus), Serenity (by Baron Saturday), Retroactive (by Col Keller), Genome (by Ladnil) and Amalgam (by me). Don't have any feed back on changes to the game type though... I just know one flag variants are out, and possibly Reflection too. Some one had also mentioned in the party how they'd like MLG to be all Forged maps and we got a chuckle from Ponytar about it. Sadly, all the maps we tested today are not making the cut... In fact, most were pretty trash. Testing session turned into a lol-fest by the end of it.