I’m putting this up to see if I can get more tester friends, people willing to play more than one game and play around with the gametype settings. Post your gamertag and I’ll FR you. I’ve found that the more I test, the better it all gets. Some feedback would be nice (lol), especially from grifball players/forgers. This is honestly the best map I’ve ever made, lots of fun and just keeps getting better, help me make it better, I’m really enjoying making this, I love forge 2.0! Demonball is a grifball-inspired Halo sport that I’ve been working on with fun gameplay, speed, carnage, and simplicity in mind. As I always try to do with my maps I’ve tried to keep it simple but there is a deeper level of tactics to the gameplay if you want get into it a bit more (for example, if your team co-operated to have a variety of loadouts and gameplay roles – sprint for bomb runner, etc.). EDIT: I'm putting up some gametype details as asked but keep in mind, it's all a work in progress. I need to test more but I think I will make a new gametype that combines the best of demonball and demonball pro and might not be round based. Demon grifball is just there to see if my theory is correct that this map should be able to support any grifball game variant, not sure if they would play well though. I will put up a more comprehensive gametype settings section in a day or two, still working on it. BTW, coloured pieces don't show up in the pictures, this is fixed. Base player settings: no shields damage is 110%, as per grifball. movement speed is 110% but you go alot faster with unlimited evade, and sprint jumps are at 125% no unlimited ammo, to tone down the massive grenade launcher-fest. 1 second respawn invulnerability with poor camo a few swords on the map Bomb carrier settings: grifball settings for damage: one hit kill for sword and two for grav hammer, this does not work for my game and will be changed movement speed is 150% jumps are at 150% radar is enhanced no armor ability, if you get the custom power up it turns on armor ability for 30 seconds (custom power ups will be removed from the map - too confusing) I've used the matchmaking gametype, so no elites. The game is round based with 5 rounds of 3 minutes. The new gametype: Not round based, the bomb is instantly armed, has a 5 second fuse time and a 3 second disarm, you have to arm and keep killing, more teamwork is neccesary. On disarm the bomb respawns in the middle. To disarm you need to be on the bomb pretty much straight away, there's a one second lag delay. No hammers, just swords and g launchers, swords suit the fast pace better. Base player traits will have more shields, still be a one hit kill for sword, more resistance to g launcher. Unlimited ammo, possibly hammers around the map, no custom power ups. Bomb carrier will have armor ability enabled, but not unlimited, you cant use evade as bomb carrier (yes i know). And updating the map so that players spawn behind a one way shield door to stop spawn killing once and for all. Bomb carrier speed might go up to 200%, or base player speed might go down to normal (100%) Download Links Demonball Arena: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Demonball v2.0 Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Demon Grifball Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Demonball Pro Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Render Film of randoms playing Demonball for the first time Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Demonball Arena: The map functions like a grifball map except the teams spawn on opposite platforms and the bomb spawns in the middle of a large oval bowl. You have to get the bomb out of the bowl using man cannons and one way shield lifts, there’s a rim around the bowl, a platform in the middle with heavy man cannons, there’s two custom powerups and a couple of cool little ramps that only the demon loadout can use with evade and that’s about it, I’ve tried to keep the map simple. The game variants: Demonball is basically grifball with more speed, three loadouts of sprint, jetpack and evade and grenade launchers. The custom power up lasts for 30 seconds and gives a speed and power boost, changes your colour to yellow-green zombie and enables bottomless clip, for the bomb carrier it slows down their speed but enables unlimited armour ability so they’re quite quick if you have sprint and can fly with jetpack, but you can’t use evade whilst carrying the bomb, they would be much too fast anyway. Demonball Pro is the same but not round based, the bomb has a 5 second fuse time and takes 3 seconds to disarm, you need to plant it and keep killing, teamwork is more important. Demon Grifball is the same but without grenade launchers. Theoretically, any grifball game variant should work on the map as long as the base player speed isn’t over 110%, but I haven’t tried it yet. Extra forge info (boring) This is a complicated convex structure, some of the angles are a bit off, I’ve found ways to clean up and better align symmetry but it’s all very time consuming (since coliseum walls angles move after saving) and doesn’t really affect gameplay – that will all come later on when I lock down the design. I’m working more on the gametype at the moment. I’ve called this v2.0 because I posted a map preview before on this, but it was a bit rough. I’ve fully implemented all the problem fixes that I wrote about on the previous thread, I’ve nearly got rid of all fall damage suicides, there’s a small area where you can but it’s like hey, Reach has fall damage, use your brain.. Haven't had any screenlag problems so far though I've used most of the budget.
It looks really nice. I find normal griffball pretty monotonous, so I think this could be the variant I'm looking for. I probably won't be on, and I f I am probably not on Reach, but if I am, send me an invite: Plasma Blades
OMG I freakin' loved this map! It's definitely a great way to kick back and have some fun. It really looks great, it looks like you definitely made some good improvements since the last time I saw it.
yeah this definately mixes it up a bit, I've tried to make it so that there is always some action going on, it can play quite differently to grifball. I've always thought grifball could be mixed up a bit as long as it was kept simple. Thanks man, so was there anything you didn't like? I'm thinking of freeing up a bit of budget to do another large demon statue, it helps with orientation and I like it as a kind of mascot. BTW anyone want to make a video of this? It don't hurt to ask.
I actually saw an earlier version of this. After looking at GunnerGrunt's map he was working on but didn't publish because he was leaving, we went into this map. I don't think it had the middle platform when we viewed it though. I thought the slanted on the sides of the map to launch into the middle were a neat idea.
I am from Western Australia so the time might be off. However if possible I'll join you for some Demonball. Gamertag is Drunken Ru55ian
Can you list the gametype details please. Back in the day I was quite good at grifball so I'd be glad to play.
friend request me. vCOOKIE MONSTAv. i'll help you test the game. looks interesting. i just posted my map preview. My map is called GLHADIHAITOR. throw me some feedback and help me out too.
Thanks alot guys, this thread coming back from the dead has restored my faith in forgehub. I updated the post with some gametype settings, I'm currently doing a bit more work on the map/gametype and will be sending you all some FRs soon.
Well i like your new gametype and map :] You can maybe try to do more maps to it? Haha I love the screen number 7 it looks like you kicked this guy xD
hey i would love to help you test this map out, i always play grifball and i would like to try something different. My gamer tag is : ShadetreeCombat