Fuel Fuel is my newest map and probably the one im most proud of so far. (for anyone concerned about my other map metroline that i never posted it is basically done ive just postponed its release because of the huge number of subway maps and a lack of space in my fileshare right now because of bungies contest) Back to fuel it began as a sort of minigame map that looked like this: while this produced some fun gameplay... evade with lowered gravity and 120% speed and grav hammers and golf ball hills was fairly epic. you could evade all the way up to the ceiling and golf balls were flying everywhere it was ridiculous. But i couldnt figure out a way to effectively work in a spawning system that would allow for killing w/in the map but wouldnt lead to spawn killing (i was playing with invulnerability problem was people without mikes and whatnot would spend the first minute or so of the match trying to kill each other putting them at a severe disadvantage, in addition to the fact that i think killing should be included in a map just for the fun factor) so i never posted it. So i decided to adapt the sort of sexy curved architecture into a competitive map and fuel was born. Fuel is symmetrical (ive completely finished one side and am about halfway through the other) and is sort of loosely inspired by a scaled down avalanche (no one i have played with has noticed but i can see it lol). It is sort of themed after just a latge number of fuellines. The main focus point is meant to be the rocket spawn: This area is situated in the very middle of the map and has a large entrance from both bases in addition to an entrance via the mancannon adjacent to the rockets. I sorta wanted a middle that was seperated but still managable so i dsigned this front part with the rocket spawn and the back part with the splaser (which are connected through a man cannon that takes you from the splaser to the rockets.) This way i figured about 60-70% of the traffic would head for the rocket and the other 30-40% would hit up the splaser and because of the ease of travel from the splaser to the rocket a lot of the combat would still be focused near rocket spawn. My only concern with this is that someone could take up the splaser and rocket launcher and pwn. Im gonna have to see how that plays itself out. Anyway this is the splaser spawn and the entrance to the mancannon: and this is the exit of the man cannon This is what the interior of each base is going to look like, im sorta going for the fuellines buried in the rocks of a cave sorta feel. Focus rifle spawns on top green semicircle. The back exit leads to splaser spawn, and then the area i took the picture from can lead to rocket spawn or a longer route to splaser spawn. Ill probably have map done and ready for testing in about a week if anybody is interested in helping me test. Thanks for your time
I like everything shown, but the little planters look somewhat out of place. Maybe you should to to put something else there. Is the going to be a cave tunnel? If there isn't already, you should try to add one, I love it when people mix man-made architecture and natural tunnels and stuff.
I was working on a similar mini game, same concept but done differently-ish. Try making the hill bigger and making it so they can only die within the hill. Or make them spawn invulnerable for x seconds
... Did you even read the post? he said it WAS a minigame, but it became something completely different (other than the sexy curves)
I know what you mean about the planters they look better in the map than they do in the picture 9assuming your talking about the upside down golf tees) but they dont really match the maps theme so im considering swapping 'em no cave tunnels because im reflecting the map on an axis and dont have the budget to make a clean base room like i have it now twice +2 cave tunnels I thought about the option of making you killable within the hill but i didnt really like it much didnt think about just starting the players with invincibility....but i dont like that either because it seems like it would be hard to judge when it was safe to attack a player...i do have a new idea for it though involving man cannons im just not sure if i can implement it properly...ill probably try it out tommorrow
The map definitely looks great aesthetically. However, I do have some worries about it towards gameplay. The first being framerate lag which you can't really judge considering you haven't finished the map. The second being the effectiveness of the Splaser, which you also can't determine due to it not being finished. Hopefully these won't be a problem and the map runs smoothly. Also, do you think you could post what weapons you plan on using for the map. I know you've got the Rocket and Splaser selected as power weapons, I'd just like to see what other weapons you plan on adding.
well i havent had much if any issue with lag so far forging but if it does become an issue ill see if i can alleviate by deleting the lights if not ill have to do some brainstorming... but lag doesnt seem like its going to be an issue yet Im also unsure of the splaser but it has a lot of good lines of sight from its spawnwhich would be helpful fo rit user, and i wanted a power weapon back there that would encourage movement to that half of the map while still keeping the main focus on the rocket spawn, i wasnt sure whether to use grenade launcher or splaser, but i figured id at least try out splaser for testing cus its uncommon to see in smaller maps. right now i have 2 focus rifles 2 needlers 1 rocket 1 splaser and 2 dmrs (but im gonna probably get that up to 6 dmrs and 2 nerfles)