Map Save reverted to an older version. wtf??????????????????

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ManRayX, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So I'm like 70% done with my new big team invasion map Pearl Harbor when last night I save and close and reopen the map to find the map in an earlier stage of construction. I lost about a weeks work despite multiple saves. I remember seeing a post about something like this a few months ago. Has anyone else expirienced this? Is there anyway to get it back?

  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, this happened to me, and I don't think theres a way to get it bacxk. For me a least, one of my maps randomly overwrote the other one and made me start saving on the overwritten version or something confusing like that. Check to see if another of your maps has he description as this map and opens this map when ou select it.
  3. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    Actually, this happens to me a lot.
    it's possible that when you saved your map the first time, it became the first thing to load next time you would open the map. Then when you save the second time the link in the menu doesn't update but the link within the file browser menu does.
    So it's possible that all you have to do is re-select the map from the menu, unless you have saved since you uploaded the earlier version.
    Hope this helps.
  4. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    Aww that sucks I might start backing up maps on my fileshare, even though I save religiously (been there, done that). If you need help rebuilding send me an inv - I'll just do what ya tell me to. I was looking forward to seeing what you've been up to.

    Idea: I once saved a map by having a friend who I had shown it to go back into temporary files and there it was and he put it on his fileshare for me.
  5. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Ive noticed that maps autosave once you end a forge session, but it isnt a permaneant save. Once you change the map in the lobby, it will revert to whatever version you last saved as. Soo... if you back out of a session in hopes of reverting a mistake, make sure you reload the map from your map library, or else it will be as exactly as you had left it and any consequent saves WILL cement any mistakes you hoped of erasing. Hope this helps in any way :p
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    This could be a common mistake youre making. When booting up Forge, even if the map is selected, go through your maps and select it again.

    But I have had maps revert to old versions, and nothing I did helped. Its stopped progress on more than one of my maps.
  7. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Hahahaha I had the same thing happen on a map with the Same name! I saved multiples so only lost a days work, but this happens and it sucks. My advise is to save your work on a different profile on your x-box. It is a pain I know but it is the best way I have found to keep a map safe. I have already lost a map to this 'bug' so I feel your pain, it sucks, back it up.
  8. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally figured it out. The same thing happened to me the map I was creating overwrote another map. Wierd... in the list of maps it has one name and when you try to open it the map I was creating name pops up instead. I saved as another name and was able to retrieve. Awesome!!!

  9. roknrollaw

    roknrollaw Forerunner

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    if you just reload the map from the map list again it should work. it loads the old save if you don't reload it.
  10. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    When you say 'saved as another name' did you do it like this: filebrowser:localfiles:mapvariant:forgeworld:mapname - pressed 'x' and selected 'save as new map' to save it as another name?

    I dont know what the space in mapname is doing there, but it wont go away >.<
    #10 vesicles, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  11. ZexZee

    ZexZee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am not alone!

    I have had this "load map, different map name and wrong map load" happen 3 different times now. I lost one map because my xbox had turned off (automatically) so the map i needed was not in the history. I now saved early and often. Changing the name slightly each time. I had to delete the offending files as even after a xbox restart the map loaded wrong.

    If its something you have put alot of work into, have a friend save versions for you from time to time.
  12. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Is this the trick OP? Does this work to retrieve automatically overwritten maps?
  13. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I figured out that when I saved my "Pearl Harbor Map" that I was creating it saved on top of a recently opened map called "XXy". On my xbox it still said XXy but when you opened it there was my missing Pearl Harbor Map. I was happy to see that I didn't loose like 2 weeks of work, and quickly "saved as a new map" and have since continually saved as a new version with a new name ph1, ph2, ph3 etc... Check through all your maps you have saved maybe it happened to you as well.


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