This map is not yet ready for any other modes other than slayer once it is i will post a link to the finished version this is a symmetrical map where both teams spawn somewhat close to each other but still makes for good gameplay. no real camping spots like my other map Grid and runs smooth with some nice scenery here you can see the two main floors which you can access right away from the team spawns by going up the glass cover or go some ways farther and go down the corridor which leads to a working small spiral ramp (staircase)... you can already see here the scenery coming out by looking at the two pillars on each floor almost connected... remember it is symmetrical. here you can see the other part of the map which has another way to get to the second floor as well as continuing to the circle platform which has ramps to the sniper room as well as a gravity lift to take you there. In the room there are 4 invisibility aa's and one hologram aa they can not be picked up and are purely for show... sort of like a disco ball or so. here is a better view of the room Weapons are: 1 sniper 2 ammo 115 spawn, 1 concussion, 1 grenade launcher, 1 sword 150 spawn, 1 shotgun 95 spawn, 1 focus rifle 90 spawn, and a bunch of scattered dmr's, needle riffles, needlers, and assault rifles.
Your min and max player counts are messed up. It currently has your minimum player count HIGHER than your maximum player count. Also, does it only support team slayer? In regards to the map, are there really 6 power weapons on the map? That seems like quite a bit for such a small map like this. Try and fix up these mistakes with your thread and possibly redo the weapon layout on the map. In its current state, I do not want to download this map, and I'm going to assume nobody else either, so hopefully you can fix these issues and get a great map out to the community.
it really isn't so small i actually thought that those might be too little. i really don't count grenade, concussion, and focus rifle as power weapons because they aren't easy to use i will also post the overview larger for better viewing