
Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Mattimator, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. Mattimator

    Mattimator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Creator: Mattimator

    Map: Forge World
    Area: Lagoon

    Gametype Supported: Ridin, Race, Slayer

    Description: This is Madness, falling objects and falcons exploding into your face, giving you no chance to prepare yourself for the worst to come. Watch out, playing on this map is basically signing the devil's contract. landmines, killballs and death traps awaits you. Your soul will be severed! Maw ha ha ha ha!

    Caution: To enable the exploding object feature and a higher death risk, you must download the gametype 'Ridin'

    Flying Killball
    Land Mines
    Dangerous bank turns
    Death Traps
    A very steep fall
    Effects - Juicy
    Big Title





    Vid: Click to watch

    What Inspired your creation?: Wanted to make a difficult but fun track. Practice will be needed on this map before you can ace it. Its a bit like starting a hobby, hard at first but if ya keep going at it, you'll become a pro. With more challenge and less repetition in the map, I believe this will encourage people to play this map more repetitively and therefore more likely to spread, but we'll see.

    How long did it take to make?: 2 months, the first month was spent on creating, on and off and the second month was pretty much testing it, on and off. Had a huge problem with the teleporters.

    What aspect took you the longest?: The teleporters, them damn teleporters. Apparently, when you're host as you go through a teleporter, the direction that you are looking changes but when you're not host the direction does not change and so since my connection sucks and always had to be host, I could never see the problem. Hence why it took me so long to test.

    Note There aren't any flaws in this map apart from the bugs I found when using the recommended gametype. The landmines seems to not explode on impact but still explode and few seconds afterwards. A big let down, but there's nothing I can do to fix it.

    What do you think of the new style?

    Download: Madness & Ridin
    #1 Mattimator, Jan 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2011
  2. Shotty Shooter

    Shotty Shooter Forerunner

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    Nice map. Plenty of fun to play on, but it's challenging so you keep trying to suceed. Some good times can be had with this in customs. Maybe change the amount of debry a little to make it even better.
  3. Spencermx14

    Spencermx14 Forerunner

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    I can tell you as a man who has played this map. It is Madness. Very fun and difficult map. Well forged. I especially like the S curve in the middle it is very hard to stay on and does add even more difficulty. Well Done.
  4. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

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    Love this map! I seriously played this for 30 mins just finding the different ways to go. Vary creative and deffiantly one of a kind! You should make another race map just ike this, but have different ways to go. Anyway, good job!

    -JGarb Forge
  5. Mattimator

    Mattimator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm making another map, bigger, longer more extreme and compatible with more game-types. Should be a laugh. Thanks for the comment :D
    I also need more ideas on what obstacles I should add. Anyone got any ideas?
    #5 Mattimator, Jan 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
  6. JGarb

    JGarb Forerunner

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    I look forward to it!! Maby some moving kill balls, or bigger ramps, idk i will be good no matter what:p
  7. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    First off, GREAT MAP!
    and second ideas for obsticals:
    + Killball that chases you (basically rolls down behind you).
    + Drive into a mouth (of some creature) and drive through its insides.
    + Huge jumps with lots of air time
    + Bounce pads that can launch you onto shortcuts
    + Downwards corkscrews
    + Make buildings where you can cut through them and ramp through windows.
    + Race where each lap changes and is never the same.
    + EXPLOSIONZ!!!! >:D
    + Make it to where two people can ride and the passenger can choose the weapon they want before the race starts.
    +lots of aesthetics that make it look cooler.

    If you use any of these ideas, all I ask is just in the description tell people you got the ideas from me! Thank you! :D
  8. Mattimator

    Mattimator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome ideas thanks, most of them I already plan on doing but I'll will definitely give credits for the creature and short-cut ideas. I won't be doing any aesthetics due to waste of money, lag and it's not really noticeable, no one seems to understand that. Anyway, I'm thinking of making several versions and I need an official name, such as Rolling Stones: Madness. Anyone got any bright ideas?
    Would love to see other people make their own versions :D
    #8 Mattimator, Jan 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011

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