On almost every map i see posts that say "needs interlocking," "why didn't you interlock," and other things of that nature. The problem is... why By no means am i saying that interlocking is bad in general. Interlocking is an extremely helpful tool that makes forging so much better. But only if you actually need it. If a map doesn't require interlocking at all, then so be it! The forger isn't going to just randomly interlock something if it isn't necessary! well, that's about it... THE END
Interlocking makes evetrything 1337.It makes thing looks slicker and cleaner.I understand that not everything has to be interlocked but its nice to see alot of interlocking.
Even as an aesthetic creator, I wouldn't overestimate interlocking. Sometimes, it's just a hell of a lot easier to squeeze objects really tightly together and leave it at that. Of course, interlocking is completely essential for most competitive maps, as the bumps in the floor can cause grief in combat. I think the real reason we hear so many cries of "interlock your map!" is because it's a statement that requires very little thought to make. Hubbers have turned to interlocking as a form of legitimate spam to quickly bring their post stats up.
Interlocking of course is not necessary, but it is far better, it makes your map look clean, slick, and neat. You won't bump over items as much and it looks way cooler.
i'm sorry if i came across as an interlocking hater or something, cuz it's not that at all, it just sorta bugs me when there's a million replies to a map saying interlock.
I don't see much of a need for it when walls put together closley are bump free.Then again, you might need your walls for blocking things, and double boxes are full of bumps.I can see where you'd want a bunch of double boxes to interlock, but not walls.
Interlocking is never ever necesary for a great map. However, it is difficult to design a map without using this invaluable tool. Interlocking should never ever be used to judge a map and its sad to see a lot of hubbers using that as a means of judging. Interlocking is just a way of making really cool map geometry and smoothing things out. Each map should be judged of its own merit and gameplay. As always happy forgings! ~Rusty
So you made a map and it's awesome to play on, right? Now imagine you interlocked the map so it Looks Uber-awesome and it's awesome to play on
a hubber is a forgehub-er: another person here on forgehub and i think interlocking does make maps look better (sometimes), but lot's of times it's just not nescessary. and it is kind of bad that people base map opinions on interlocking...
Well basically, the best maps use interlocking, the worst maps generally don't Many people use interlocking, and then many people don't even know what it is. But the point it, it is highly doubtful you will have a layout so perfect that it will just all fit PErFECTLY together without maybe even a little 5 foot section that needs to be interlocked. So essentially, it IS essential.
Interlocking is not a requirement. It's a suggestion. Don't mix it up in an attempt to gain posts, post something intelligent and helpful instead. You could say, "I think this would look better if it were neater" or something generally along the lines of it, but when you say "interlock", it's a sure sign that you're posting only to increase your post count.
It may not be a requirement, but when was the last time when a non interlocked map was featured? (anytime after interlocking was discovered of course)
It's wholly possible that a user could make a well functioning map that does not need Interlocking. For an example, a Mini-game, or a well-thought out open map.
You didn't answer my question, when was the last time a MAP like a competitive or casual one was featured that didn't have interlocking. Point proven.
Moreof, I was responding to BiznisHippie. On your argument, that's true, but it's entirely possible for a non-interlocked map to be featured. It's not a rule that you absolutely must adhere to.