i called it Grid it supports all gametypes except invasion and race of course. and also elite slayer doesn't have the proper weapon spawns yet a nice view of blue base spawns are below and above spawns needler and plasmas also if you notice the little capture plate there is a passage which goes under the stair case and there is that teams sniper spawn. a nice view of red base as you can see its a super symetrical map split diagonally same weapons and grenades in the corridor same about the passage and if you see that room led to by stairs that is a sword spawn here is the best overview i can get i hope you like it i spent a while trying to make it perfect weapons included are on sniper rifle, rocket, sword, dmr, assault, shotgun, beam rifle, needle, needle rifle, grenade launche and concussion rifle This map is really good at preventing weapon camping and camping in general. where the shotgun spawns is sorta like the spawn in the pit so just tossing a grenade or two should do the trick... also same goes for the grenade launchers... every weapons is as exsessible for one team as it is the other besides the snipers which spawn each at their own base.... however where they are doesn't really help and the best thing to do is to go to where the sword spawns and snipe from there. Rocket spawns in the middle out in the open and since it is not a close range or a long range weapon it can easily be taken out... as for the shotgun and the sword running around in the bottom passages would be best please leave a comment telling me what i should fix or add and if i should show pics with and without the walls and grid plz and ty.... also new maps to come i have one that i need to place the remaining spawns and weapons
Please ignore the quote as of now, since you have edited and put your map up to standards. Alright, to tell your the truth, this map looks better than I thought it would have turned out. From what I can tell, the Forging looks very clean too. Can you also add a Weapons List? But from the pictures, this map looks very good. NOTE: Thank you for putting your post up to Standards, you really did come through.
Looks like an interesting concept. Normally, I don't like when the grid is visible on the map. It sometimes works but usually it just breaks the illusion and reminds me I'm playing in forge world. I'll check it out and let you know what I think.
i made a little story behind it as to why they are there its in the map description and it plays just as well without the grids and coliseum walls i put them there for effect... i had actually named the map grid before i had put the grids down.... also after some self testing head hunter doesn't work yet... if anyone can answer this tell me do head hunter capture zones need to be capture plates or hills? also i want to have a test session sometime if anyone wants to ill need like 5-7 other players who can help test some time send me a message on xbox live... i will then also add some pics from that onto this
Update: i am reconstructing this map i got rid of the center peice as well as the sorounding walls which was unliked. no word yet on the weapon spawn locations. i also made multi team work on this now as well i will ppost the finished peice as a brand new map because only the skeleton of this one will remain from it