the humans have to survive in the maze for 10 minutes with out being toasted by the dragon. the humans must use wits and teamwork to survive or face certain death. when te dragon spawns he must pick up the flamethrower then enter the teleporter thus entering the maze. the humans only spawn with pistols so they just go straight into the teleporter in theire spawning place. if the humans dont go into it the dragon can just jump right into it and toast the person. the dragon also has the best radar so good luck! the dragon spawn place: the dragons spawn teleporter leads to: where the human spawn teleporter leads to: human spawn place: overview: dragons labranth map: dragons labrynth game variant:
instead of imbedding the thumbnails you need to click on the pictures first to give a full size photo, after this, you can then copy the images and imbed them without any troubles.
I find the most reliable way to do it is to upload them to photobucket and then emmbed them. The pics are then at a nice size. hope this helps. good luck.