AC map suggestions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasma Blades, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    So I've been playing Assassins Creed Brotherhood multiplayer for quite a while. It's a great change in pace. Anyway, I started building a map for this in Reach, incorporating some features that will be mentioned later. Multiple gametypes will be set up, but the main one will be juggernaut, with the assassin as the juggernaut. He will spawn in a tower in the center, the tallest structure in the map. No one has a motion tracker, waypoint, or name over their head. Everyone is the color black and there is a 30 second betrayal penalty. The assassin has a jump 20% higher than the guards, but the guards run 10% faster. Everyone has sprint, but only the juggernaut can use it. Starting weapons are swords, but a hammer, sniper (crossbow with 4 shots), grenade, and CPU (turns a guard into a templar) are hidden throughout the map. Everyone has normal shields and health. Shields don't recharge, but health recharges at 90% speed. The guards spawn individually around the map, looking at the tower, but the assassin can immediately jump down and hide, waiting to blend in with the others.

    So that's the basics of the gametype. I'm thinking slayer will be similar, so communication will be necessary to determine who is an enemy.

    Onto the map. As I mentioned, there is a large central tower. I've included a church, and a marketplace. There is also a random teleporter system with three separate receiver nodes. I've included two ladders, buildings of various difficulty to scale and traverse across, and even a small area of the city which is completely terrain.

    I'm considering the possibility of adding mongooses for horses inside of stables.

    After all that background, onto the question: What would you like to see on an Assassins Creed map?

    All feedback will be considered and if it works well enough, incorporated into the map. If you have any changes to suggest, by all means, post them below.


    Thanks for the help.
    #1 Plasma Blades, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  2. cluto

    cluto Forerunner
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    I'm very interested in this because I've also put a lot of time into Brotherhood's multiplayer. I don't have any suggestions for map design right now because I've just been thinking about how your gametypes will work. The main problem I see, and maybe it's not a problem to you, is your crosshair will turn red when looking at the enemy and green when looking at everyone else. This kind of negates the "searching for your target" and "deceiving your pursuer" gameplay which I would consider to be the most fun part of Brotherhood's multiplayer. I guess this is sort of resolved by the sword's limited range, but I honestly don't think the Assassin will last very long at all since everyone will be looking at everyone else at all times.

    I'd like to see some kind of incorporation of different armor ability loadouts for players. Hologram can be Decoy, Sprint could be Sprint Boost... and I guess that's sort of it since none of the other ones translate well. Decoy would be great for confusing anyone for a few seconds and Sprint Boost would be great for losing your pursuer. Also, some gametype where assassinations are the only way to earn points might work pretty well. I can't really think of any other settings that would work well for gametypes like this because it's been a while since I've played Reach and I'm without an Xbox right now so I can't check any of the other gametypes settings. But I do look forward to any progress you make on this.

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    If you have a look on my fileshare (Gt: HMSGOVIER) ive got an assasins creed map you may be able to take some things from (its on tempest btw) or you could look at the link il put below.

    Maybe some poles that have a grav lift below them to show going up the pole,
    the hole things that have the curtains can be built using shield doors and a basic skeleton of the holder made of blocks,

    The main thing i would want to see would be some unique jumps like in assasins creed, use the antenna's as poles that you can jump on, if you do have tempest you can build the driftwood, set it to fixed and use that as a more natural piece.

    Theres an endless amount of things you could do with an assasins creed map so go nuts!

  4. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    I'm a little worried about juggernaut. From what I've experienced you can't switch up any of the juggernaut's weapons. Unless you wanted the Assasin to only carry the Gravity Hammer, I don't think it'll work out to well.

    None the less, I really like this idea.

    I like the idea of mongoose as horses. Maybe you should add some boxes and poles that the players can jump onto for a quick way up to the buildings.

    EDIT: I didn't see HMSGOVIER's post. He pretty much covered the unique jumps bit. Oh, well.
    #4 Dizzyman572, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
  5. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    For PvP on assassins creed maps, the only thing i can think of is using FFA with honor rules. But as we all know, honor rules suck....
  6. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Thanks for all the comments!

    Cluto: I haven't given any thought to different loadouts, only the assassin and templar would be able to use the abilities anyway. As far as the crosshair goes, I'm hoping that will be the only identifier. But, will 100% damage resistance, I'm hoping that by the time you see the red crosshair, you'll have dual blades through your abdomen. If I did an assassination only gametype it would have to be FFA, and right now the map is too big to support that I believe.

    HMSGOVIER: From what I can tell, my map style seems to be quite different from yours. What I've done for the jumping is I've created some obvious jumps, and incredibly subtle jumps. Being a perfectionist, nearly every imperfection is an ability that a player can use to their advantage to traverse across the map. I am 85% through on Forgeworld, but if people like the map then I can make a sequel on Tempest. I recently added a chase-breaker into the map, but to be utilized properly, the assassin must be running a certain way, and for the most effective way, be sprinting as well.

    Dizzyman572: I have boxes and one of the poles set up in the map. I also have a jump much like the kind where Ezio jumps to a wall opposite the one he is on, through the use of a mancannon. There is a hammer hidden in the map, set to never respawn. And the gametype allowed me to change the juggernaut weapon, so I'm hoping that it'll work out.

    patrickcanttype: I'm hoping the juggernaut idea will work for the stealthy approach that the AC Brotherhood multiplayer focus's on. Most, if not all other gametypes will be more forward. CTF will play similar to Halo's normal style, but instead will have trick jumps, hiding places, ambush spots etc. I'm not sure if much else can be implemented. Any other ideas?

    In general, I've added the two horses, a medpack in a doctors stall, and the Romulus (sp?) tunnels, reduced to 1/23 the normal size, with no trick jumps. Or treasure. It's kind of just an underground tunnel. Anyway, I have an active camo and teleporter in a haystack so that the player can hide. Should I make two haystacks and separate them? In addition, I plan on adding a jump pad (idea posted by iTs_NeXn) somewhere in the map. Right now there is a marketplace, church, Borgia tower, apartment area, central plaza, an unbuilt "natural" area of the city and Romulus tunnels. I have 200 budget left, but I can probably delete an effect or a light if need be. About 85% of the map is covered. What else should be incorporated?

    Thanks for the feedback so far! Anyone want some pictures of it so far?

    #6 Plasma Blades, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  7. ThePsycoOne

    ThePsycoOne Forerunner

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    doesn't the juggernaut has a flaming head, or can you turn it off.
  8. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    How about a slayer gametype where players are invulnerable, so that the only way to get kills is to assassinate other players (correct me if I'm wrong but I believe players with the invulnerable trait can still be assassinated)? 5 assassinations to win? I don't that would be too difficult with motion trackers turned off, and a good movement speed. I think the map would have to be very city-like, with plenty of escape routes and ambush spots. I like a map where I can outmaneuver enemies and I think that would work well with an assassination-based gametype.
  9. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    ThePsycoOne - I don't believe that he does, but that would be terrible for gameplay if that was the case. But I think that's just the armor effect seen, and if not it may be considered a waypoint which can be removed. If it is permanant I'll try to find a way to recreate it otherwise. Maybe infection could work.

    Titanc005 - I could see that ending in melee fights which would last until someone else comes in. Maybe it could work if they had evade, so if they start getting in a fight they can roll away. Not sure though. I'll make a free for all gametype but it probably won't be assassination only.

    The map is placed in the middle of hemmorage, on the ground, between Montana and Alaska. Some of the key features include:
    - A Borgia tower with a way down on each side.
    - A church with a custom power-up that allows the user to be granted the "promotion" of a templar. The templar has identical traits to the assassin.
    - Two ladders, though one needs some fixing before testing.
    - An apartment area of the city which is right next to the congregation area. This area contains a small underground tunnel which is an idea based off of Romulus tunnels. There's also an excecution area where people would watch others be hung.
    - The area mentioned above has the only chase-breaker in the map, and to be used effectively, the Assassin should use sprint before the door, or he may not get to the button in time for it to work effectively.
    - The juicy effect with a white light in the church and an orange one in the Borgia Tower. If I need more money, which should I delete?
    - An active camouflage and teleporter in a haystack. Do you think I should make two seperate haystacks for each of these items?
    -Jumps ranging from obvious to subtle. Being a perfectionist, most of the imperfections allow some kind of jumping advantage.
    - Overshields by the main gate to simulate an armor upgrade.
    - Spartan laser to simulate a crossbow.
    - A gravity hammer to simulate a hammer.
    - A grenade to simulate a smoke bomb since smoke bombs make killing others easier. But for this to work properly, should I make it take two hits to kill people on the map?
    - A teleporter system with 3 receiver nodes, two two-way nodes, and two sender nodes. This represents the tunnel system used.
    -A jump pad (idea posted by iTs_NeXn) which should be timed properly to be utilized effectively.
    - An unconstructed area of the city, where it is more natural.
    -A health pack to represent a doctor.
    -Two mongooses to represent horses.

    So that's the highlights of the map, everything else is just filler. Aside from the questions highlighted above, I have two more: Should all the advantageous items like weapons and powerups be set to never respawn, or should they have respawn times, and if so, what?
    Also I'd like to know: What gametypes would you like to see set up on this map? If you have a custom gametype, describe it and I'll consider setting it up.

    Right now I have about 20 budget left. So if people like this map when it's released, I'll build a sequel based on responses from anyone who gives them.

    #9 Plasma Blades, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  10. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    Im afraid the "hidden" weapons could be a problem... as more expirienced players will remember thier locations, giving them an advantage over newer players
  11. Xbox Milk

    Xbox Milk Forerunner

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    I'd like to see a statue of me raise above everything that is mortal in that map. And hiding spots ofcourse.
  12. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Inferi: I suppose that could go either way. However, my reasoning behind this is that since these are advantageous, I don't want everyone to be able to get them immediately; they have to search for them. Granted, once they know that the weapon is there, they'll go for it, but I believe that others will see them going for it, and therefore determine the location.

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