So I've been forging for a while now, but have never really uploaded my maps because I've never had the time to thoroughly test them. So I'm posting this map up here to ask for any ideas for improving the general gameplay of the map. Contingency is the first map I ever created on forge. I've used the hangar area but cut it down with walls. Its a small map best used for 2v2 to 4v4 slayer, but also works well with FFA. Over time I've fixed most of the bugs but now I'm just looking for some honest constructive criticism. I've posted a few pictures and a link to the download on If you want to download it and have a look around then feel free. Thank you all for your help. I've recently added some new structure to the middle due to some helpful advice. the top picture is now what it looks like and the bottom picture is what is what it looked like before. any thoughts on the new piece? This is the central are which houses the sword down low and grav lifts take you to the shotgun on top. This is the opposite central area which houses the rocket launcher. And this is a look at red base. Blue base is very similar, but with the use of buildings I couldn't completely mirror both sides The weapons on the map are: Sniper x2 Grenade Launcher x2 Sword x1 Shotgun x1 Rocket Launcher x1 DMR x2 Needle Rifle x2 Plasma grenades x4 and an array of health packs around the map Thanks again for your help guys.
It looks good, but the aesthetics are really bland. I think you need some or height changes in the map, or a walkway or something. It just seems kind of flat and boxy. You should also try to use something other than default buildings, just to mix it up. As for gameplay, I really can't say much. The snipers seem like they would dominate, so make sure the spawn times are high and they have low clips.
from when I've played the few matches with my friends the snipers seem very nerfed due to the fact that from wherever you stand there is a fair amount of cover for other players. I'm starting to see how some height adjustments could make the map more interesting. I'll have a play around and if anything changes I'll edit the post. Cheers Killmore