Images Spoiler This last Picture is just for a size reference Being as this is a preview, I didn't go very in depth with the pictures. However, I will explain the map. Fool's Gold has three main floors, and jumping down from one to another will either hurt you if you jump down one, or kill you if you jump down more than one. Playing area gets smaller the lower the floor, so the top has the most room, and bottom has the least. Currently, the only way to get from the middle floor to the top is via two-way teleporters, and the bottom has a lift all the way to top and two other lifts to middle. Fool's Gold is meant to look like a mining shaft, whether or not it does is up to you to decide. Only the map's geometry is done right now, weapons are almost done, and spawning hasn't been started yet. Please tell me what you think right now, especially of having to use a teleporter to get up a floor. EDIT: Yes, I realize one picture is in there twice, not really much I can do about it now.
The map looks pretty good, I would suggest putting a soft kill zone on top of the teleporter frames to prevent camping. I wouldn't want to be on the top floor (pic 1) mainly because of how exposed I would be, so I would suggest putting in some cover there to help. I don't think you should've shown that final picture, the one outside of the map. It pretty much broke the whole illusion of the map, but that's a personnel issue though. Regardless, the map looks great, and I rarily see a multi-floored slayer map that I want to play on. I would help test, but sadly, my internet doesn't support Xbox live.
Looks like it'll be a fun map to play on. It's very visually interesting and seems like it's fun just to run around in it.
I'm not really sure what I should do with the top, if you look carefully on the first picture you can see the enterances to the hallways that are parallel to the walkways that are painfully obviously in view. Here is a layout of the top The slight gap between the outer hallway and inner walks has windows to shoot out and duck under, so they are cover, venturing into the center area will risk more fire being placed on you, but you may get the overshield.
Wow, the aesthetics on this map is crazy! I really like the way the map looks right now. The first two pictures caught my attention right away. It does look really fun to play on too. Do you know what Gametypes this map uses? But all in all, this looks pretty cool, keep it up.
It will utilize all gametypes, with the exception of race. Yes, it will work for invasion. (I hope at least)
i feel like there should be some railings up there if you take so much damage for falling between levels...also there should be an alternate route to the top floor from the middle to the top besides teleporters because i hate teleporters... they're never safe
I know for a fact I lack the budget to do a different way up, trust me, if I could've done It different I would have, and I also know I lack the funds to put rails on everything. However, I can attempt to put rails on some parts of the top level.
The map looks amazing so far. I hate teleporters in general, but it could work out in this case. Also maybe add some cover to the top level? Great concept for a map though.
I will probably release this simultaneously with my throwdown submission map, so keep an eye out for it. Also, the teleporters have been removed, replaced by some mancannons up to the top from middle. Most kinks have been worked out, just needs to be sent into the testers guild now. EDIT 1/14/2012: new thread for the new version, extensive changes have been made to reduce damage taken from falling down a floor, added extra paths from top to middle.