Padlock v0.5

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by NautilusSixx, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    As the title states: Welcome to Padlock.
    This map is currently in the most basic rough stage, but I am posting it anyways for both creative assistance, as well as to potentially get some hands on help to make this map even more next-level, thus v 0.5.

    Padlock is my spiritual successor to lockout. I started this all today, and it works fairly roughly. I have seen and played multiple exact replicas of lockout on reach, but none bring back the spark the original had. This is where I am trying to succeed.

    I did the entire map without reference photos. All from memory. I know multiple paths are missing or changed, but most are intentionally for the better....say a change of pace. Some are somewhat forced, but suggestions and hands on work could alter it greatly!

    The scale is also much larger. This is intentional, because of the new abilities reach has brought (mainly sprint). In addition to a growth in size, a 3rd power weapon has been placed....the rockets.

    The lift room has been completely changed, and the placement of the drop down holes from the lift room has been completely altered as well.

    I have heard multiple times in the past of people "wishing" they could shoot or move through the glass in the center of it is a one way drop down...with a direct route to the green room!

    So far about half...or even less of the original lockout weapons have been placed, sniper is still where it usually is, shotgun in green room, etc. etc. New weapons call for new placements though, as well as change in placement due to size difference. Call out whatever you want, and whatever you think would fit!

    More photos will be added daily, maybe even hourly. Please check it out yourself if you don't believe the photos!

    Edited by merge:

    [​IMG] : Halo Reach : File Details <-----should be new link for updated version...ready to play all slayer matches on!

    Edited by merge:

    #1 NautilusSixx, Jan 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  2. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    The middle center-piece looks a bit lazy, but the rest looks really nice, like the stasis rock thingies, can defininitely see the lockout inspiration, its good you didn't try to make an exact remake because that would be quite bland. Great Job.
  3. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    I'll see what I can do when it comes to making the top center more aestetically pleasing, as well as encorporating some gameplay centered reason. I was getting lazy, because at that point it was 6th straight hour of working on it. I'm taking a break from forge for atleast a half a week...
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    While I know that this map is still in it's "rough" stage, it is important to remember railings for all the pathways. Without them players can simply walk off an edge during a hectic battle. It caused a lot of grief in a map I had built, so I can speak from experience.

    Another tip, try to avoid making players jump from one space to another as much as possible. I'm speaking of the green room ramps specifically. And while I understand that you have a greater height variation from the original, I believe it's important to make that space have a smoother transition.

    Overall I like the idea of your "re-imagination", however too many area's look too similar to the original map. If I were you, I'd almost scrap the similarities and create something completely different looking but with a similar feel/play style. Otherwise people may just skim over the map thinking "Just another bad lockout remake" without realizing your intentions.

    What you have so far is a great start, but I'd take more liberties changing lockout's design if I were you.

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