Just got the game, so I haven't had anything amazing, or quite epic yet. However, I used Armor Lock for the first time, deflected an enemies rocket in Team Slayer. I thought it was cool considering his shields got killed from the explosion, and I lunged through the explosion with a melee. Felt so good.
You wanna see something real awesome in Reach? Check out my signature link. You know, the awesome one. EDIT: I meant the picture link. Just to clear that up. It links to an awesome screenshot -- literally, the Awesome emoticon recreated with spawn points, that I made in Reach.
This : Bungie.net : Reach : Game Details K/D of +27 And also this : Bungie.net : Reach : Game Details Me vs. 4 guys. I only lose by 2. I was trash talking them the whole time :3
This was really funny. Me and seven randoms were playing BTB against more randoms on Paradiso. We were spawn trapping them and had at least 30 more kills than that team. They were spawning at the base closest to Montana/Alaska/the gulch. Anyway, their tank respawned after a while. Someone on the other team managed to run to it and get in. Everyone in my team must've been thinking "oh crap we're screwed". He drove around a bit, got a few kills, and then I started DMR'ing him. He was backing up, looking for me, saw me, got ready to shoot, but backed up over the rocks and fell into the water and committed suicide. He raged and left the game. He was probably thinking; 'YES I got the tank now where is this kid shooting me imma kick the other team's ass OH SHI-' It was hilarious to watch, just seeing this tank backing into the water.
Score was 46-49 Team Slayer on Powerhouse, highly unlikely we're going to win. I get an overkill in the final seconds winning us the match. Happiest moment of Reach I've had.
In elite slayer{in rumble pit on cliffhanger} I tossed a grenade(into the air) from red side with out seeing blue side and hit the top of the tower bounced back and stuck some dude.
That happened to me the other day except that this tank didnt even get any kills. He just started backing up and then suddenly failed.
This guy the other day got so pissed that I boarded his tank that he tried to shake me off and drove into the water. It said I killed the guy and the guy killed me. The dude ragequit shortly after causing us to wait 3 minutes at the scoreboard cause of host migration.
I got similar to this im playing with a friend in invasion but my friend afks to get a phone call and after about a minute of the game both territories are at about 15 seconds and the rest of my team has quit i hit one territory kill two guys and get it down to below seven they kill me and get it back to seven then i bum rush the other point kill the guy guarding and then the other two that come as reinforcements and get to the second round...my friend comes back about a minute into it and we cap the one closest to our spawn... we ended up losing in the final round because all six of their guys were just camping all the routes up the spire with swords but it was epic till then
I was losing a game of doubles on asylum, 23-19 after having a ten point lead. My teammate was doing poorly so he decided to hide n stuff, so I was essentially all on my own. The people on the other team were noobing Jetpack and and amazing teamwork. Long story short, I win the game in three moves. No-scope one and stick the other for a double kill :: 23-21 Out DMR both of them at once :: 23-23 Heres where it gets amazing. I hit one guy with a sniper and he runs like a *****. I then put four DMR shots in the other guy and runs to the same place as his teamate, just over the rocks on blue side. I jump up top... and get hit with a sniper shot by one guy and am staring down the barrel of the others DMR. I throw a last-ditch grenade out of desperation and die almost instantly after. The grenade took a terrible path way off to one side and I was like shiiiii- Then it bounced off a rock at a really weird angle and hits one of them JUST in time to keep his shields from regenerating (and thusly making the grenade able to kill him) then lands at the other guys foot. Double kill, for the win <3
I have two: The first one was what I called pro jumping which was essentially jumping of any platform in the new alexandria mission and hijacking a banshee, i managed to do that 4 times, i dunno what it's really called though... The second one was me and a general play a game of ctf with some allies in btb, playin on blood gultch, now my new tactic was grab the sniper and get on a passenger then start snipin'. the general gets on his hog while telling me to get on. I got in and he said " get ready ". as soon as i see the enemy, we were in blood gultch so it was a few seconds, as soon as i see one, i shoot, 1 kill. we went to thier base to help the attack and, 2 shots, two guys go down. I miss my last bullet jsut as we take damage, i pop of 2 more round and kill the 2 guys, again with one shot and get away. Now, I'm thinkin "damn that was lucky". and the general (a kid) is going like "omg u are beast with that thing man! let's go again!" not braggin just saying, wen u have a sniper, sit in the passenger!
Survived an entire BTB match on spire in one warthog. 2 or 3 splatters, 20something wheelmans, 0 deaths. Either I'm a great driver, or no one on the other team knew how to fly. Or a little of both
That was my girlfriend playing as the red person. I was having her assassinate me to show her that fixed weapons (that sword was fixed) don't move after the player dies. She assassinated me, and mid assassination, her internet died. So I came back to life. No idea how.
I punched a banshee to death the other day. EMP'd it out of the air and killed it. With my fists. I felt so manly that day. XD
got if they "came to hear me beg" achievement from the top of the spire in tip of the spire, i was like HOLY ****
That sounds seriously satisfying. I love smashing vehicles to death, it does feel manly indeed, especially when it's a tank.