__________________________________________________________________________ This is my first true slayer map. its very straight forward... Weapon spawns: a side from these weapons there are grenades, DMRs and Needle rifles that spawn in the triangles near the shotguns. ________________________ Also, the sword is not on the ground. It is mounted on the wall, but is fixed so it will not float is you let is go: Lastly, you may have noticed a teleporter: That teleporter is linked to one on the oposite side (they are both two-way). this is usefull for a first strike because teams spawn on each side of the map, so watch your back... NOTES: -Elites will not pass through teleporters (they are too tall) so use spartans. -although you may use jetpacks on this map, it does make gameplay a bit boring (too easy to get power weapons). -The Rocket lancher only has 2 rockets so use them wisely... I hope you enjoy the map! and if you do download it please leave your opinion after you play it! pls add feedback. GOOD LUCK... you'll need it...
Okay here we go. I like your map but here are a few problems I see, the line of sights are a little off. By this I mean the maps seems a little open. If I grabbed that sniper I could rack up a killing spree very easily. I like the fact there are only two rockets and thee are dmrs and nrs but they are too condensed in the center. I know the floating sword is cool and all but when it's dropped it floats in the air and only the host can see it/pick it up, but whatever. I love how you showed where the weapons spawn in that one pick but you should get a few close up shots of bottom/ top mid. Lastly, I don't like the teleporters locations. I suggest putting them near the sides of the maps somewhat close to the bases to avoid people teleporting behind and beating you down before you even know what map your on. Also is that rock have a kill boundary on it? Other then that the map looks great!
like you said, it is very open so you are in the enemy's line of fire too. second, yes there are kill barriers and yes there is one on the rock. third, the teleporters are more often used for escape (believe me). lasty, you can not stay in one place with the sniper or you WILL die, you cannot camp on this map, it just does not work. and lastly, the structure provide exellent cross-map cover and the rest of the cover is rocks, it works quite well.