Had two goals with this map. After playing the new community playlist noticed all the maps seemed to be one big room w/ various ramps and platforms, so I wanted to make a building w/ actual various rooms and corridors. Second was to make a large map suited for btb since the other maps I've made have been small to medium sized. The result is the Big Grey Facility(come on bungie give us some wood paneling or something). Lower level is the entrance hall, you can take the stairs going up the second floor or the grav lift to the third floor. Second floor has the observation deck, and stairs going to the first and third floors. Third floor is the storage area and where the teams spawn. Hope you all enjoy and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. heres the third floor/cargo area heres the corridor to the second floor observation deck view from the observation deck corridor to the first floor and the first floor A pic from outside to give you a sense of scale(you can't go outside, theres one entrence but its blocked off by a shield [br][/br]Edited by merge: 139 views and one dl(and its one for one being liked), i know the screenshots dont look like much, but you should check it out, I was really happy w/ how the layout came together
I'll dl just because you only have one of them and 139 views. I will also post since there's none of those either. From what i've seen you maps looks pretty cool. I like how your forging is clean and unique, I especially like your use of corner walls. My question is if the three grave lifts are necessary as well as there placement/presentation. There kinda in the middle of no where and three seems a bit over the top (but i haven't looked at it yet). Having a power weapon list is also very helpful when posting maps. MOAR PICS, try and make pictures that overlap slightly to give people a walk through of your map as well as pointing out weapon spawns. Laslty, i don't like the number of crates/barricades in the first pic, try adding a few covenant crates and stuff or some unique cover that adds to gameplay.
Looks like a good map for BTB. But I'm not liking that room in the first pic, add in some small stuctures, a raised area, or something of that matter to make it more playable. I say this because having an open area with just crates or rocks as obstacles make game play realy dull. Have you ever had a DMR duel with someone in the open on cliffhanger? Because if some one can get away all they do is wrap around the rocks until their team can help. But still a great looking map, good job!
id say that first pic should stay the same :l sometimes its good to keep it simple... kinda remids me of paintball in that room
thanks, i love them corner wall pieces, so dang useful, as for power weapon list, theres a shotty on the third floor, rockets on the observation deck, focus rifle and concussion rifle in the lower corridors, sniper in the middle of the 1st floor, and a grenade launcher and sword on the two raised platforms on the first floor heres some more pics, its hard to get good pics of the map, really would have to rip out walls to get good ones that show the layout few good ones of the first floor, i think the lifts look alright between the ramps infront of the entrance and have 3 since thats how many fit the hole in the ceiling and a good one of the third i think w/ the big hole in the middle, the grav lifts in the back, and corridors leading down to the second floor in the front corners, the crates, plus the big open bay window in the front, anything else would just make it hard to navigate