Kanava District

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Titmar, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    No disrespect, but I cannot stand when people walk in and tell you something like it's fact when they haven't even bothered to play it and see how things come together.

    There has been so much testing of this map it'd make your head spin. The map is fairly large, and with an average of 12 people on the map at a time, that means if every single power weapon was being used at the exact same time, half the players still wouldn't have one. Less if a player has more than one.

    Another issue I'd like to bring up is that people regard the earlier Halo games as being more fun. Starting with Halo 3, Bungie has been slowly easing up on weapon placement, so that gameplay focuses on BR/DMR and Assault Rifle play. Do you remember Headlong? One of the community's favorite maps. Go look at the weapon list. It's pretty massive. And it has a ridiculous amount of vehicles. But it was fun as hell.

    As far as being too open, I'm going to once again point you to Bungie maps. If you stripped away their glamorous looks, they'd all pretty much be a few ramps and gaping spaces. People need to stop building maps made of 80% bridges and narrow walkways, and give battles some breathing room. Everything we attempted to do with this map, we did. Everything you don't like about it, having not even played it, is based on snap judgement and being superficial over it not being a visual masterpiece.

  2. Joe JFG

    Joe JFG Forerunner

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    I couldn't agree more. The initial judgement of maps in forge hub are on the aesthetics of a map. And it seems most people don't realize how important open areas can be to the balance of a map. Especially a map with vehicles. People seem to think narrow hallways mean cover from the rest of the map, but forget about jet-packs. It also ruins DMR duels and over-powers the needler. (like every map in the Community Playlist)
    This map looks to be really thought-out and I can't wait to get some friends together for some vehicular fun :)
  3. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    truly a great, well forged urban map which has great gameplay. I enjoyed testing this a lot. I love the whole urban feel and the river you have going through it. great job guys.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    glad you guys think highly of it,
    and paulie... technically its a canal, not a river. =P
    and thanks for the good words on the urban feel,
    means a lot coming from a forger who is great at urban maps like yourself!
  5. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    This map looks like it needs some more zazz. kind of open too. Also, needs less power weapons and more trees. 2/5

    lol, no, seriously though, I can't wait to get Reach again and (hopefully) be able to play a few games on this hurr map. Looks mighty fancy dudes. Good work!
  6. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    This seems like a nice change of pace from the numerous outdoorsy type big team maps. The overall layout looks great, and I cant wait to get a game or two on this map.
  7. pbilly881

    pbilly881 Forerunner

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    looks amazing!!! i have been wanting to build a map with almost the exact same idea. i like how you showed what seems like every single view of the map with the 4 minute video and 23 pictures. once again, the map looks amazing
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I hope the map lives up to your expectations. If you get a game in, let us know what you liked or didnt like!

    Coming from the man who was known for urban maps in Halo 3, I am very happy to hear you approve of the style. We really wanted it to be different. Thanks for the help testing!

    Did you ever get a game in? I'd like to hear your thoughts, because you're one of the few members who plays big team customs frequently.

    Thanks, I'm glad we decided to keep it enclosed now. :)

    Yeah, the video was intended to show ever inch of the map. I don't think there was shot of the inside of Red's building, but the majority of the map is shown. It's strange you'd take the time to count the pictures though. lol
  9. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I did get some games in... but only 5v5. No 8v8. We played TS and 1-Flag. Gotta say had a lot of fun on the map. Mainly because Devinish is a beast when it comes to sniping people while sitting in the side-seat of the warthog. I gotta say though, one flag seemed a bit rough. Kind of hard to cap it. (mind you both teams were pretty much even) --We came close once in sudden death. But it ran out before we could cap it. Very solid gameplay though. A tad-bit confusing for first-timers, but overall pretty easy after the first game. Still want to try out other gametypes.
    #29 Nobody Worthy, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  10. Drecker225

    Drecker225 Forerunner
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    The only thing I didn't like from the pictures was the fact that there is a ceiling..... D: It makes the city feeling go away very easily. Other than that this map looks really cool and fun!
  11. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    ^-As true as that it is. Just keep in mind the ceiling is actually helping gameplay.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    The ceiling wasn't my first choice, but for the sake of gameplay, I wanted to keep people grounded for the most part. Open sky is an invitation to use jetpack and fly ridiculously and rain death down on people. Like I said, it may not be the prettiest map to date, but it plays just like I wanted it to.

    Thanks for checking it out finally. I dont visit the map section often, so I didn't see all your replies. 8v8 isn't the best on it anyways, keep it around 10-12 for your best experiences.
  13. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    With game play as good as this,
    It's the prettiest in my book ;)
  14. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Unofficial Review!

    Let me just say, that before I go into depth on this, I really liked this map.


    Being a Big team battle map, it may be a little hard to get all the players need to play on Kanava District, but if you can get at least 12 people to play with this is a very fun map to play on. I played on it around 5 times back to back and I still liked playing on it. All of the vehicles on the map makes it incredibly easy to get around, but at the same time not boring like driving a mongoose across coagulation.



    This can be hard to pull off in asymmetric maps a lot of the time, and it seemed the side with the turret just barely was at a disadvantage during CTF, however, that could have just been the team playing on that side. Though this problem did not rear its head during the team slayer games we played, which was in my experience more enjoyable anyways. No areas had any distinct advantages over others in terms of just sitting down and camping.



    Not really much to say here, it was indoors, which means that it is inescapable, there were no spawning issues to my knowledge on the map. Not much else to say.



    Very nice and clean, had a very unique feel being as it was an indoor, BTB map that was styled like a city somewhat. I had no framerate lag, but I did not test it on splitscreen to see if it was fine on that, though I'm sure it is. The use of the water to make the canal on the one side is very nicely done, and it isn't overdone.



    Being as it was the first indoor, city-like map that I have played, I honestly feel that Kanava District is rather original at the way it brings itself to the BTB scene, while the use of water in a map is by no means original anymore, the way it was incorporated into the map made it feel much more a part of the map than most others.


    Average Score: 8.6

    Personal Score: 9

    Closing: To be fully honest, I never was a real fan of big team battle maps until I played on this, so clearly you have done well with what you've got here. I will be keeping an eye out for more maps from both of you, keep it up.

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