Lotus v.2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by NautilusSixx, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    This is Lotus v.2! improved to be lag free! Also updated some of the architecture to give more cover! This is a medium sized map, works PERFECT for snipers.
    Also set up for cap the flag and king of the hill, neither have been tested.
    1 Hammer
    1 Sniper
    1 Shotgun
    2 Needlers
    4 DMR
    2 Needle Rifle
    2 Plasma Pistol
    2 Magnums

    Things that still need to be done: Timing adjustments on weapon spawn. Especially grenades.

    C0N5TANTINE Forerunner

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    This Map is sick, so much fun for snipers, i also really like the aesthetics job well done man. I think you need to add some soft kill barriers around though cause in normal slayer there are alot of places u can jetpack to
    #2 C0N5TANTINE, Jan 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2011
  3. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hily crap this map looks amazing. You should put up more pics like where the weapons spawn and more detailed pics I suggest a little more cover too.
  4. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    Looks kind of large mainly connected with bridges. Is there any areas that don't consist of bridges, more so closer to the bases? Looks like a good map though, I like the middle circle.
  5. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    Read up on how to make actual working gametypes. Should work with crazy koth, team ctf, oddball, big team battle (8v8, right?), and headhunter.

    Added soft kill zones to certain areas to prevent people from straying with jetpacks.

    Edited by merge:

    It isn't overwhelmingly large. There aren't any excess areas. It is mainly connected with bridges, the map was made to be a multi-path symmetrical map.

    Edited by merge:

    thanks! I took a few more pics to show some of the detail and unique features I incorporated into this map. I'm a lil iffy on putting more cover because of how linearly SHORT the map really is. For capture the flag, oddball, etc. I wanted it to be open enough that camping, or taking a straight path wasn't going to be easy.
    #5 NautilusSixx, Jan 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2011
  6. BurnNSky

    BurnNSky Forerunner

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    It's a good map, but telling you that won't help anything now will it....as for improvements, you should always avoid using crates and pillars as cover. Instead, use the maps natural sight lines and varying elevations as cover. Also, there are a few spots walkways that are just too long and narrow. It makes it kind of a pain to walk across them. It also makes moments where one needs to cross them very dull. No cover, no room to strafe, just a boring one-sided battle. And finally, you need to fix this map's screen lag. There are some parts (near the killball, across some of the bridges) where it is just terrible in a 4v4.

    Overall, though, this map does have potential, just try to keep improving it :)
  7. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    The looks of the map is great! really good idea and the center is a def HELL YA MOMENT! but one big issue for me on this map is the lack of open areas :^( lol. so i'd recommend cutting out a few unnecessary cover and instead of the double bridges side by side i'd make tht a flat area with no center divider. but i looked forward to the improvements.
  8. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    Well it seems like so far, everyone is divided in terms of opinion. More cover/less cover.

    I've never had problems with lag personally, but after doing some additional architecture,
    i've been thinking about getting rid of the deathballs on the ends. It could reduce the lag even moreso. I personally don't like crates at all, I only recently added them because I had the budget. They might clutter it a bit, so a removal of them will happen asap.
    Mr. Guiness:
    Simplifying that area might ruin some of the aesthetic, but I will see if i can possibly alter it so without decimating the beauty of the long stretch. When I remove the crates, you might think differently....

    other than that: I'm clueless when it comes to creating balanced and proper spawning, if anyone could help me with them or more suggestions...as well as other gametypes (zombies? territories?)
  9. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    I still have trouble with it too. there something on here a while back a read where they talked about how to properly set up spawns for each gametype. i can't find it now cause i'm going on jet!!!! lol. but you should try and locate it. try the search engine on here, It's top notch!
  10. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    Hallway is updated and looks real nice. Got rid of the divider, but the columns are still there to provide minimal cover. Getting the sniper should be a dangerous chore, and crossing the low path with a flag should be work as well. Crates removed. Fixed spacing issues of vertical 4x1's or whatever they are. Added more headhunter dropoff locations. Got rid of Killballs and end decorations, as well as light in the middle. Should help with lag. Added plenty soft killzones, but some need additional work (while jetpacking around i found a spot inside the round bases that can be exploited). Added 2 additional team spawns to each side, as well as a few new respawn locations.

    on another note....has anyone played the "community map" playlist? So far from what I have played.....the maps are garbage. Messy, ugly, non-flowy maps with worse spawn times and spawn locations than my maps.
  11. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    what spot were you talking about in the round base?

    I played a couple, they were...ok, lol. the forum said we could vote on the maps we like best though? i couldn't find anything for that, do they expect us to search for them on their site? I think they should include a voting system (based on the map) that takes place after every game. I figured that's what they where doing in the first place, instead i found myself playing crummy maps that i could provide any input to? ugh! lol
  12. special bobby

    special bobby Forerunner

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    They really are terrible. One map has a 30 second rocket spawn... Dude in our game got 19 rocket kills in a team game to 50. Another has a room above the map that you can only get to with a teleporter. Naturally someone grabbed shotgun and the team camped up there with the lead for the last 5 minutes of the game. This in addition to the glitched floors and the need for a jetpack on EVERY map. I sent bungie a complaint, but I'm sure it will be deleted immediately.

    oh, and you "vote" by choosing which game you want at the beginning even though most people just choose by the game mode, so it really is broken badly.
  13. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    how did these maps get chosen in the first place? if they are maps made by bungie employees, make a wish foundation kids, or the kids of bungie employees I might rage a bit. There are at LEAST 20 maps on this website that are currently better than all of the prepackaged forge maps(vanilla & mint come to mind instantly). Bungie could have at least added in the remakes that are out there.

    Halo isn't the same without lockout.

    On another note: I'd like to test some games personally on my map with people. Getting a first hand reaction to anything is better. I'd like to improve this map to have the potential of showing up these jokery maps they currently have put into circulation.

    my gt is the same as it is on here. Feel free to add me, or ill add you if you are interested. I'll probably be on tomorrow improving my other map: Faulty System
  14. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    that's awful, lol. we have no idea what the maps are even like before playing them, so how are we to know what we vote on...the name? ugh, lol.

    Hey i think you still have the old version on here. Or am i lost in translation! :^)
  15. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    I wasn't sure if my map updated online as I updated it.

    heres the new link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    The differences should be fairly obvious.
  16. EvilT

    EvilT Forerunner

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    this map is great. as everyone is saying, much better than the community maps. I hope they add it to snipers playlist as that is where it really shines. A few spots that could use railing in my opinion, but maybe you wanted it to be a bit dangerous. Either way, great map. If I ever see a bungie employee looking for community maps, I'll point em this way.
  17. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    EvilT: Thanks! Once this map gets playtested enough, and I find out where all the hijinks are (say....is the hammer the correct power weapon for the middle?) I think I might try and contact bungie to get it into matchmaking circulation.
  18. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    Heck ya, that looks much better. I don't think hammer is the best, cause this map doesn't have so much of close range, It's mainly 3 long strips of land to battle on. maybe rockets. bungie seems to be favoring levels with rockets these days.
  19. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    I think rockets could work. The only reason why I didn't initially was because I built this map with ctf in mind. Rockets tend to work against close bodied teamwork, and can pretty much end the game with 2 shots. There is probably enough cover now to survive though, making the rockets feasable. Thanks to another user on here, I learned the wonders of pushing in the left stick. I will be skimming through the entire map fixing the rough terrain...ie shotgun wing.
  20. NautilusSixx

    NautilusSixx Forerunner

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    Finally updated!
    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    Much smoother, rocket is now the power weapon in the center, weapon times adjusted, additional spawns, additional boundaries. Base cover adjusted, etc. etc.

    If i could get this sent in to bungie for a possible spot on the community playlist, or ever better....on the team snipers playlist, it would be a dream. not sure how to go about doing that though.

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