
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by wi1lywonka, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    YouTube - Sanction Preview - Forgetacular Submission

    I'm not going to give this map much of post for now. It's my forgetacular map, and it blends two very fun things: Vehicle combat and infantry combat. This map is.. well, honestly just download and play for yourself. The bases are very open and lack cover, but are fortresses nonetheless. There is a neutral Wraith in the center of the map that proves a powerful instrument for success, but there is plenty to take it down. This includes two grenade launchers (one in each base) and one neutral Splaser in the cave, as well as two drop shields (each in one base) and a rocket launcher near the green bridge.

    During playtests, people say it reminds them of: Standoff, Sandtrap, and Valhalla.

    Valhalla: Base designs reminiscent of this map
    Sandtrap: Vehicle loop reminiscent of this map
    Standoff: Foot/vehicle combat blending seamlessly

    I should have called it Vasantrahalla?

    My advice: just try it. It's awesome for BTB and BTB CTF (Bungie Variants)

    Use these:
    DMR/Pistol start, 15 minutes, 75 kills
    DMR/AR start, Flag at Home: No, 10 second respawn

    #1 wi1lywonka, Dec 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  2. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Okay, just played some 6v6 slayer and ctf on this.

    Overall, this is a really fun map to play. Seemed perfect for 6v6. I don't know if 8v8 would be too much of a squeeze though.

    You are right to say that the map creates a fun balance between hogs and infantry. In that regard, the map is spot on. A very skilled hoggin' team will fare pretty well on this map, but you'll need a good driver since some of the routes are tight.

    I asked my fellow players for feedback and they were overall positive, although two negative points came up:

    • firstly, several of us (me included) felt that the wraith had no place on this map. The driving spaces are just right for hoggin' but too tight for the wraith. Yes, it can fit through (just), but its path became too predictable and easy to jack/destroy. I would suggest replacing it with a hog/rocket hog/revver.
    • Secondly, the initial spawns are a bit too close. at the start of the game we were kind of bumping and pushing eachother around a bit. No biggie though.
    There were no other negatives and everyone enjoyed this map thoroughly. Nice one.
    #2 Gazzaverage, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  3. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    I'm going to check it out, but i would instantly recommend putting in more pics, it's too hard to tell how even how big the map is.
  4. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Wow, when you suggested the Revenant I felt stupid for putting the Wraith on there. Since I've already submitted this map to Forgetacular, I'm not sure how much I'll be working with it. I'll try out a Revenant, but let me explain my reasoning:
    -Wraith: Powerful neutral vehicle, tough to control. If one gets it to their side, it can be used to clear defenders off of the top of the base, or the driver can go on a suicide mission and assualt the enemy base head on. On this map, the wraith is mainly artillery. I will still try the Revvy, however.
    -Spawns: Initial spawns in that location to promote vehicle usage. I may adjust them so that they spawn half on one side of the base and half on the other.

    6v6 OR 8v8
    6v6 does play the best on this map, the only issue is (since this is a Forgetacular submission) there is no 6v6 slayer/objective gametype that isn't invasion. So, 8v8, while borderline chaotic works. Back when I had a Banshee and a lack of safe spawns however...

    Overall, thanks for the criticism on the map, post Dec 6 I will re-work the map to better suit your advice. In the meantime, I'll tinker with other things as I have to leave it up until the contest judging period is over.

    Thanks again for the thorough review!
  5. SubnovaJH

    SubnovaJH Forerunner
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    Nice Map. I played this with a full party and they enjoyed it like hell.
  6. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    I know this is considered 'necroposting', but I was hoping I could bump it since I went through a lot of work creating the video, and the video gives a lot more than my words could.

    I believe hell isn't enjoyable, but w/e, thanks for the compliment.
  7. EvilT

    EvilT Forerunner

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    rly fun map. I played it with my friends tonight and we had a lot of good times. The wraith did seem to be a bit much on a map of that size, plus there is enough small spaces so that you can get really messed up by it in the corners. rly fun map. We took out the wraith and it seemed to balance it a bit.
  8. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Perhaps in a Version 2 I'll swap the Wraith for a Revenant and delete lower the amount of ammo in the sniper, because the more I play on in the more OP it seems. Thanks for the feedback.

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