
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by xxCorey117xx, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. xxCorey117xx

    xxCorey117xx Forerunner

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    Spider-man was out shopping for more Reach merch when he stumbled across two children crying. When asked what was wrong the kids said that a bunch of jerks were wrecking the local skatepark.So, being the superhero that he is, Spidey went to stop the bad men (and women). This is where you take over. If you spawn as the infected player then you play the role of the couragous Spider-man. If you spawn as a human then you are one of the evil bikers that are ruining the skatepark. Spider-man spawns with a nice set of weapons; a Concussion Rifle, and a Fuel Rod Cannon. Spidey has to walk into the man-cannon and this will launch him directly into the ceiling which, because he is Spider-man, he sticks to. This happens because there are one way shield door faceing the ceiling and there are propeling him upward. But don't tell the kids that, they'll be oh so dissapointed. From this gravity defieing perch Spidey will then proceed to blow up the evil bikers driving below. The role of the bikers is very simple...Don't Get Blowed Up!


    Bikerz Spawn​

    Bikerz drive off platform into teleporter below​

    Spidey spawnz in a dark alley and walks into the Spider-man-cannon (see what I did there ;D) and sticks to the ceiling​

    And the magic is shown. The shield doors launch you up into the ceiling sticking you to it. You can still move around once your up there you just can't go outside the box.​

    Overview of the skatepark. Yeah I know it's boring but what did you expect from a town that doesn't even have a Taco-Bell.​

    #1 xxCorey117xx, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  2. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Uh... LOL?

    The map looks pretty good, and I like the idea. I just wish you would have put in a way for the bikers to win, like destroying the skatepark.
    #2 Carter1234, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  3. xxCorey117xx

    xxCorey117xx Forerunner

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    Yeah if you survive u get extra points but yeah tht would be coolz if ucan think of a way to do tht im open for ideas

    Edited by merge:

    BTW the gametype was messed up but unless your one of the 3 people who downloaded it in the first hour since I put it out then this problem doesnt concern you and you can get on with your Forge-Filled lives. I have fixed and reposted the only problem was the bikers health was outragous. Now theyre mere mortals like the rest of us. If u notice any problems let me know cuz i didnt get much time to do test runs we got one game in. plz and thnx and hope u enjoi
    #3 xxCorey117xx, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  4. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
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    Spider man cannon, I see what you did there. Overall I really like the map. I know the town doesn't have a taco bell but I suggest adding a little more to the park with a few tunnels that have a lifts in them so the bikers have some cover but won't camp in the tunnels. Also a few aesthetic structure near the center wouldn't hurt either, ya know spice your map up a little (maybe a spidey face emblem on the wall if you want to go all out. But other then that it looks awesome
  5. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    This is pretty cool. I've been anticipating a map in which the infected aren't 'evil'.

    I'd also have to agree with Mulish there, I really think you could of made this a lot better. Maybe a nice way to win, like the bikers would have streetgang machine guns (assault rifles), and magnums, and they would be shooting at him. If he only has one life they can kill him and win.

    You might also want to beef out the park a little bit. Just saying.
  6. xxCorey117xx

    xxCorey117xx Forerunner

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    thnx for all the good comments hope u like it but i just fixed the gametype again so redownload for total awesomeness
  7. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I've seen the concept before, but not in infection. This would be awesome if it was the same size but outside. Instead of killing the bikers he could knock them off, or kill them with enough shots.

    You should add some timed advantageous events for both sides. For example, you can place a large circular central structure in the middle with a hole in the top, but it's tall enough so the bikers can't get in. At a certain time, propane tanks spawn inside, so when spiderman shoots down the hole, the propane tanks shoot out of small holes in the sides of the structure. Once out of the structure, the fly around and possibly damage the bikers.

    By the way, what stops the bikers from camping at their spawn?
  8. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    hey mister!! hey mister!! you didn't tell us how the story ends. does spidy get the bad guys?

    i like the game type its original and fun
    but is their a way for the bikers to win? such as a time limit or anything such as that

    also... maybe some sort of emp weapon could represent spidys web and make more bikers scream if they were to get hit
  9. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    a few questions, can spidy be killed and if he does is the game over. and when the bikers die do they stay dead?

    btw i love this idea. if this is your first post its a good one ;)

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