I'm not sure if this map is featured on forgehub, but my team and I have found a slight problem with the map. To see it, click this link: YouTube - Halo Reach Hiding Tactics- Endzeit (community playlist) I would suggest putting a safeguard on the map instead of death barriers all around it. Thank you for your time.
All the new Community maps have significant issues, and ForgeHub has no capacity to update the ones now in the playlist, if they even came from here (which I don't know that any of them did).
Yeah, I actually just did the same thing today before checking out this video... Silly bungie, giving us not only crap-tastic maps, but broken ones too!
Why would you post this here and not in the correct place... Bungie's Optimatch forum. Old news. Saw a video on this in Bungie's forums within hours of the playlist release. Good song, but seriously did you need to have this crap full length?
Having now watched the video - that thing is WAY over the top. Are you actually pointing out a flaw with the map, or advertising your awesome vid-making skills? We have opening credits, loud and dramatic music, a run time over 5 minutes, elaborate transition effects... c'mon dude, this thing needed to be 30 seconds long and barebones to get the point across.
It's more of a safe zone that's needed. I wonder if anyone has managed to get over to the island or gulch from there.
Well when playing this map I managed to get to the spire without dying Well when playing this map I managed to get to the spire without dying
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Community playlist is no longer available. It was a limited time only thing. And dear god, I hate HLG so much...