Trieste Fortezza

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by boomerdude, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is my first maps in a long time since halo 3 and one of my first slayer/comp. maps

    Trieste a famous Italian submarine (found above) is the Mascot for this United Nations Navy fortazza (Italian word for fort) on reach hidden behind a waterfall. The base was later abandoned when the United Nations clearly had no need for boats anymore after space travel was made easy and affordable. This area has fallen under the rebelling hands of the human race and the Spartans want it back...

    ~The waterfall has yet to cause lag with 6 people but it does look freaking amazing
    ~The Map is symmetrical and made for 2 vs. 2 but can be used for 1 vs. 1, 3 vs. 3 or free for all up to five players.
    ~The map uses every game type (some may be better than others) except for invasion and race game types.
    ~FFA and team based games do have different weapon set ups with no weapon overpowered

    ~ 2 DMR 1 extra clip and spawn in 30 seconds
    ~ 2 frags
    ~ 2 spikers
    ~ 1 health pack
    ~ 1 shotgun with no spares and 45 sec spawn
    ~ 1 concussion rifle 1 spare and 45 sec spawn
    ~ 2 plasma's
    ~ 1 Sniper no clip spawn 60 seconds
    ~ 1 grenade launcher 65 seconds and 2 spare clips
    ~ 2 frags
    ~ 2 health packs

    Middle base with submarine

    full map without the roof

    Front view under mid base with sub and closed side elevators

    Objective placements for red team and elevator closed side with dmr spawn

    red side team health pack and lift

    Back of red base and back walkway

    mid base and red jump landing with sniper or shot gun spawn

    Open elevator red side and back red base


    Grenade Launcher direct hit at blue base

    assassination at red jump landing

    losing the flag

    Thanks to testers and people such as killmore for some aesthetic looks (walls)
    #1 boomerdude, Jan 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  2. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    This looks VERY well forged, but it's hard to tell the layout just by the pics, any chance you could get some more in. I'm downloading it now either way though. I'll get back to ya
  3. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for telling me that i forgot to leave a layout picture... i just posted it and thanks for the comment and downloading it.... I HOPE YOU ENJOY!
  4. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    So! I loved it, It has a good flow and good space but it's a small map(which reach is lacking big time) 4 concerns of mine are....1 the red side rock has more edges which allowed me to climb!!!!!! haha, i couldn't do the same to the blue rock, i recommend flattening the red on out.....2 the sub and upper deck are both colored purple, not a big deal for me, but may confuse some..., may, lol.....3 some of the bridges on the blue side don't seem to be lining up correctly with the object below them..... 4 in the corner of the red side behind the lift there's a ten sec cap, where as the blue one there isn't. and also i can stand directly behind the red one without being lifted where as the blue you can't. nothing much, though, lol. nice work

    BIEMANZ Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Really nice aestithics. it gives a nice feeling to it!
    for the rest it's quit simple, but that doesnt mean its awesome!
    i think it really plays smoothly and nice balanced.

    i sure want to play it!

    nice job on an impressive map

  6. Joe JFG

    Joe JFG Forerunner

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    It looks really simple and small. It also seems to be made of nothing but bridge hallways.
    However it does look spectacular. I will have to download and take a look ;)
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looking spiffy. Glad the guys didn't deter you from the waterfall. Gonna have to game on this some time dude.
  8. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really am glad you "loved it" and thanks for pointing out my errors -_- yea the rocks i didn't know you can climb on red side... i tried to avoid that but i guess i got sloppy... The submarine is purple and stays purple, what am i supposed to do make it yellow (Beatles reference) your third comment i might have to add you and you show me because i might not be looking the in the right place and as for the stupid lifts and 10 softkill.... blaim bungie the map was a pain in the but itself to make on a thirty degree grid and i sometimes couldn't get the lift to work... bungie made the soft kill... THAT IS FORGEWORLDS NOTMINE.... i tried to get around it but bungie made it like at a 45 degree angle so it cuts in the map just a smidgen... HINT it also appears on red's landing pad right next to the waterfall door.... i just can't get rid of that and everyone else thanks for posting such great things i hope to make a v2 with more room to hopefully fit a 4v4
  9. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    Haha, yellow submarine :^) DO IT! lol, jk. I figured the 10 sec was part of bungie's doing. I was just thinking maybe you could add an object for apearances or something, lol. maybe, it's really not a big deal, lol. I wouldn't mind showing you those bridges at all. It could have just been that game. Who knows, Reach acts funky sometimes. My names is the same as it is on here if you want me to join.

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