This here's a light-hearted thread to discuss funny things you've seen or done in Reach. One of mine: the other day I was playing big team on Hemorrhage. Two of my teammates raced for the wraith while I grabbed the revenant. As I got in, I noticed that one guy was whooshing off in the wraith. The loser of the foot race started DMRing the wraith in the back and running after it. I watched him do this for about six seconds. Then I splattered him. So satisfying. I'm sure he was thinking, WTF?? And I didn't even get booted. Another one: playing on Breakpoint, I spawned in a weird place with nothing nearby but a mongoose. I drove to the ghost spawn and as I was approaching I saw two enemies in front of me - one rushing the ghost and one floating around in a wraith. I drove my mongoose into the guy on foot, about one foot short of the ghost, and splattered him. Then in one smooth motion I jumped off my ride and jacked the wraith. Nothing all that skillful involved, it was just funny how quickly I went from thinking "oh crap I am screwed!" to killing both guys and taking their tank.
One time I Ghost merged without all the proper procedure! Seriously though, I've had my share of catching up to people mid-flight in jet packs and assassinating them (with sprint).
I'm not much of an awesome player (hence why my top kills in almost all gametypes are melee.... xD) but I thought this was pretty neat. My team mate was getting wailed upon by this guy from the opposing team. He went into Armor Lock out of desperation and the guy was readying to **** him up - so I ran up and assassinated the bastard. Rescue medal is get. :v
Wait, so where was the good part? You were just playing a bunch of unaware noobs. Plus, you only got a couple double kills. I guess the round was ok though. You got a perfection, after all. Anyways, my best moment was when at the very end of an objective round (after a long streak of getting 20+ kills in many games before this), I got about 3-4 no-scopes at the end of the round on Cliffhanger. I only got a Triple Kill, but it was still pretty cool.
Gotta be my Hail to the King Medal on Sword Base. Anyone that plays Crazy King on that map knows what a grenade spam fest that is. The fact that I could stand in the hill and kill 5 opponents was surprising, especially for me.
I actually believe I went with the Camo Loadout that time and sat on the edge of the hill with a sword. Someone else would come in and I'd stab him to death. Hide on the edge of the hill and slash again. I'm still puzzled how I survived all that grenade spam and pulled that off. I think my sword actually ran out of energy before I actually died that time, but as usual... people were dropping in on the hill from all directions.
me and this other guy were having this epic AR battle in the middle of heamorage, halfway through the guy hears a ghost and instinctivly armor locks and it splatters everywhere, he pops straight back up and keeps fighting, then I hear a ghost and do the same thing. It's like, excuse me for one second and then bam we're both back into it. It looked really cool, rather than funny the way it was like ahh no biggie.
The most epic thing I've done was this flag run on paradiso. It's too hard to explain but basically it involved a flipping, flaming warthog, shitload of enemy fire, my bad driving and near death experiences. Here is a video. Not rendered, but I'm hoping someone could either render it or captured it.
the most epic thing I've done is i won the first phase of Invasion: Spire single-handedly (teamates were dead) in Sudden death. Now, if you don't know, in Invasion Sudden Death, if you aren't in the territory, the clock goes to 5 seconds. So, in Sudden Death, I see 2 Elites at the destination I'm rushing to. I kill the first one by circling around and meleeing him. Then, I do the same thing, but 2 more Elites show up. One melees me, but I melee him, run away and throw a frag, killing him. The fourth one, I toss a Plasma at him after meleeing him and kill him. I captured the territory. Basically, I kill off four Elites by myself and capture a territory in Sudden Death.
That sounds pretty great. Rendered! : Halo Reach : File Details I enjoyed that. First half was the best part of course (how did you live through all that??), but the lone warthog without a gunner chasing you at the end was pretty hilarious too. Guy could have killed at least the flag carrier if he'd just gotten out of his ride...
One of my favourite moments in reach was during an Invasion game. A banshee was camping at our spawn during phase 3. I spawned with Armor Lock & Shotgun, and immediately locked for a rejection medal. Then, the Banshee kept circling around to take another shot at me. The funny thing was he left just enough time for me to have armour lock again. After about 4 or 5 rejections, he got pissy and charged me. So I EMPd him, and our team destroyed his ground-bound ass. Felt very smug.
Probably when I my teamate pushed my off the spire in Invasion Slayer, and I fell beside the enemies Banshee. I then Hijacked it Mid Air, and proceeded to get 38 kills with it. I ended that game with 40 kills and 2 deaths.
got my first legit perfection last night on the Cage against a team of noobtards, but it was still super satisfying. i was holding down the central building, shooting at them by the rock side as they'd spawn and such. they noticed me quickly and kept rushing me, but i had shotgun and luck on my side and pulled off a bunch of awesome ninja **** to stay alive and keep the building locked down. the shotgun part was the satisfying part. ____ another time, in a custom game: i have shotty, ghost is boosting towards me to splatter me. i shoot the ghost with the shotty in the front and sidestep and melee, my melee connects with the side/underside of the ghost, causing it to flip and then i shotgun the dude in the face. awesomeness.
Getting not one but two ninjas on Wunder while playing his own mini-game was pretty satisfying. I'm also willing to bet he had forgotten about that by now. So..... suck it *****.