Hello, Forge Hub. It's been a long time. How've you been? I'd like to present a little map preview of one of my WIPs, currently titled "Helix". It's a small symmetrical map meant for 1v1, 2v2, 6-player free-for-all, or hectic Objective or Multi-Team games. Without further ado, here's an overview. Weapon List x2 DMR - 2 spare clips, 90 second respawn x2 Plasma Pistol, 100 second respawn x2 Shotgun, 0 spare clips, 120 second respawn x4 Plasma Grenade, 30 second respawn x1 Sniper Rifle, 1 spare clip, 150 second respawn x1 Concussion Rifle, 1 spare clip, 150 second respawn x1 Overshield, 180 second respawn The Overshield spawns on top of the central helix structure, and requires some trick jumping to reach: As of right now, it's extremely difficult to make the jump from the column to the top of the Helix - it can only be made by Ghandi hopping (clicking the crouch stick repeatedly while jumping), so I'm considering lowering the helix by a hair. Also, I can't decide whether or not this map is too overloaded on weapons. It's a lot smaller than it looks in the screenshots. Speaking of screenshots, here are some more: I haven't gotten around to playtesting this yet, hence why it's only a map preview at this point. If you'd like to help playtest some 2v2 on it sometime this weekend, I'd be really grateful. If you want to check out the map on your own, the download link can be found here. Thanks for reading. Any and all comments or feedback will be greatly appreciated. ~TitanC005
Looks very nice and refined. You made a good choice with the weapons you used. It looks like it would be very un-balanced of you included rockets (Which many feel like they MUST have), so great job. My only concern would be that the trick jumping would hurt the flow of your map a little, but then again I have not played it yet.
It looks really sweet, but everything other than the center looks too bland. Like I tell everyone: Keep the same detail in the entire map as you did on the first piece. But meh, it's just my opinion, I'm downloading to now, I'll look around and see if I can get a custom anytime. EDIT: Instead of lowering the 'Helix' raise the 1x1 Tall and Thins. I know you'd have to add extra objects, but I think it would be worth it.
I tried several different variations for the middle of the map. One of them had the bottom half of the Helix cut out, so that players could move under it but it would still block lines of site from the Red and Blue sides. I might look into that again if the high Overshield doesn't work. Also, the Concussion Rifle is a weapon that deserves more love than I think most players give it My main goal of this map was to keep it simple, so I purposefully used only blocks and ramps. I considered phasing some things into the floor to add texture here and there, but I decided against it for performance reasons (I still have around $4,000 in budget I think, so that's no problem). I want to see if the map plays the way it should before I do anything in the way of finishing touches. In gameplay, I think there's enough to orient the player, but if I'm wrong I'll definitely get around to fixing it. Thanks for downloading, and let me know how your game goes. One thing I'm really worried about right now are the spawns. The map is small, and there aren't a whole lot of places a player can spawn and still remain out of sight of the other team. Also, good idea with raising the tall and thin columns. They're already level with the floor of the map but I can phase something under them. Then I'll have to make sure the jump from the cover to the column is still practical.
Wow, so simple but great. i haven't even tested and i already know i love it. For looks though i can already see by the pictures that the cover on the right is sticking out a little bit more than on the left. I'm a bit of a perfectionist with things like that, lol. But if that doesn't bother you at all then ignore everything i said except for the compliments of course. :^) nice work.
Don't trust the overview! It's two separate screenshots stitched hastily together in Photoshop, and the perspective is screwing up the symmetry: look at the column bottom left of the sniper, and then at the column above the nearby DMR. It looks like it's going through some kind of space-time warp. I assure you, that's just my bad screenshot-merging skills, not the map. Thanks for the compliments, though.
haha, Ya i see it, that's funny. I really didn't even notice that, lol. But i wasn't talking about that cover, i meant the 4 covers (not blocks) in the middle. In picture 1, 3, and 4. Theses ones here. do you see what i mean. Again it's nothing big, I'm just weird like that, lol. But seriously, when can i download this. I really want to see how it plays.
hmm, thanks, I'll have to go into Forge and check that out. It's on a diagonal, so my coordinates might have messed up there...
There's actually got a download link at the end of the OP if you want to try it out. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details if that one doesn't work for some reason.
I'd rename it. There is already a pretty popular map called Helix and it might cause confusion in file searches :-/
Don't listen to this guy, that other map Helix was spawned by the king of douches; your name is fine.