
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Duo Is Pro, Jan 3, 2011.

  1. Duo Is Pro

    Duo Is Pro Forerunner

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    Arcanis is a symmetrical map created for 4v4/6v6 team slayer, despite that It currently supports headhunter, one flag, multi flag, infection, safe havens, crazyking, oddball, Juggernaut, and stockpile. Special attention has been given to the infection game type. The maps' aesthetics focus on a transparent theme and the name is a throw back to an mtg blue card due to all the blue and water around the map. The map took about a month and half of work with several play tests and large scale renovations. Arcanis is meant to be played with AR start and with normal load outs with some halo 3 game play thrown in the form of 2 ghosts, a camo, and an oversheild on the map.

    I would like to thank Maptastrophe and for their feedback and testing.

    Update 1/20/2011:
    The teleporter rooms' teleporter has been removed and now houses the hammer and overshield (which now spawns 3 minutes into the game) to increase competitiveness of the map.

    2 shotguns removed, the concussive rifles now rest where the shotguns used to and 2 new DMRs have been placed near the rocks where the concussive rifles used to be.

    Spawning has been tweaked to fixed sides for the ctf game type only, other game types' spawning remain dynamic, and less spawning at the bottom of the chute for all game types.


    This forerunner structure was discovered when instrument failure caused a falcon to go down nearby, the distress beacon lead the UNSC to the structure code named arcanis just days before the fall of reach, which unfortunately wasn't enough time pry to open it secrets.


    DMR x6
    Needle Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Needler x2
    Concussion Rifle x2
    Frag Grenade x2
    Mounted Machine Gun x2
    Ghost x2
    Grenade Launcher x1
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Rockets X1
    Energy Sword X1
    Gravity Hammer x1
    Camo Powerup x1 (spawns 3 minutes into the game.)
    Oversheild x1
    (spawns 3 minutes into the game.)


    The overview.
    Visible: the aesthetic lens up top, sword spawn in front area, and the the chute in the rear.
    Blue tower.
    Red tower.
    Sniper's canopy.
    The underpass. (rocket spawn location ala gunnergrunt style.)
    Ex-Teleporter room now home to the hammer and oversheild in latest update.


    A Showdown.
    Take cover! (the lens see all)
    More actionshots soon, feel free to contribute your own by posting a reply with the link to the image on your fileshare. =)
    #1 Duo Is Pro, Jan 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2011

    XBG SICK Forerunner

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    This map looks cool.not sure about the grid for flooring but thats just my opinion.If i was to make any suggestion i would say to try and make as many routes around your map as possible as to promote movement.Check my maps amento gold and abstraction
  3. special bobby

    special bobby Forerunner

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    I think the grid seems to fit the aesthetic. Pretty much the only case where I've seen the grid used well. Also helps for vehicles on a floating platform to have a very flat surface
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like the teleporter room and the sword spawn, sheerly on a looking basis so far.
    But from past experience of similar maps to this. I can tell I won't enjoy myself playing this map.

    I don't particularly like grids being used as map pieces as they don't blend in with anything very well. Flourescent Blue =/= Grey.... I suppose it could help gameplay in a way as you can see players traversing the pathways below, but it still doesn't appeal to me. The biggest problem with a lot of Forge World maps are that there isn't enough colour change to distinguish different maps from one another unless the pieces have been utilised artistically as well as for gameplay purposes. Using the pre-set buildings makes your map identical to 10000s of other maps out there.

    Try spice up your maps with more creativity by actually creating the rooms out of singular pieces yourself and add in other aesthetic touches.

    I also think you've used the pre-set building pieces too much.

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