Hello all. A little about me, I am a over the Hill Halo fanatic. I have found some great maps here, but now I need people that are likely to play them with a group. I also would love to find a few people to help me perfect a map that is close to being done. Its a remake of a Quake 3 space map. I cant get on all the time, but when I do I like to dedicate a good 4-5 hours to playing. I am happy to help test, help forge or just matchmake if thats what twists your pickle. Once I figure out all the linking and image stuff I will try posting more. Dont be shy now.......... [Z]
Hey Zex, welcome to ForgeHub. I don't really run customs very often but I get into them quite often, so maybe I'll invite you sometime. If you need help linking images, try this thread, by Spawn of Saltine, it'll explain it all, and if you need any more help, just send me a message.
Hello Zex. Glad to see you here, im not official but Welcome! I've found lots of help, inspiration and information here. Hopefully you find this place as great as I have. Looking forward to seeing your work or catching a few games. See you in the future
Hello Zex, I am Jex! I gotta admit, the BBCoding on this site is really confusing at first; its taken me almost a year to feel like i have it mastered. If anything seems confusing or isn't working, send me whatever it is and I can help you out. I can also offer my advice on forge, but its mostly theoretical stuff. And I enjoy to type walls of text because I examine every possible situation and overdo it, so be ready for a read if you ask a complex question Otherwise I try to err towards succinctness for the benefit of the reader. If you can send me a link to your map, I can do my best to get a few tests on it and let you know how it plays out. I have no problems getting a group together to test (sometimes they form around me when I don't even want them... like when I try to forge...)
@meltyourtv first part of your introduction nice, hello second part of your message, kinda dickish. Maybe save that for people who have actually made an offense to the rules. I am here to have fun, not be reminded of looming doom actuated by mods if I am not in line. I have made like 5 posts and thats your welcome. How about a link to the rules, or a private message to all new members. Sorry, just dont see how it fits in a introduce yourself thread.
I wouldn't take his comment personally, just kind of a heads up should you feel like heading toward troll-hood. Regardless, welcome. Most call me noxy, I'm sure i'll see you in a game at some point in the future.
Everyone makes mistakes, bro. I'm just saying try not to make the same ones I did, haha. Yeh. I'm never serious, just to let you know.
Mmm. You'll pretty much be good as long as you stay as far away from Melt as you possibly can. That kids got some bad mojo.