Clawdaddyv3 "This ancient Forunner digsite now serves as a mass grave. 12-16 Players." Clawdaddy is a symmetrical big team battle map which is located on the Coastline of Forgeworld; 'clawmarks' scar the island of Paradiso and the surrounding area, these both provide cover and seemed like a nice aesthetic touch. I have tried to mimic the playstyle of former large Halo maps such as Valhalla, Waterworks, and Blood Gultch. With this in mind, the battlefield consists of two opposing bases separted by an elevated platform and a giant metal claw. Both bases are equipped with mancannons, vehicles, and teleporters to increase player mobility on such a huge playspace. The teleporters take players to a 'guard tower' located adjecent to each respective base. Here combatants will find a Machine Gun Turret, a shotgun, and a Rocket Launcher. A single Wraith spawns beneath the claw. Fight for control! Revanents have replaced ghosts, because for some reason ghosts cannot shoot in knee deep water - go figure. Here's a view from above. Download It Here (Be sure to give it a thumbs up on if ya dig it. ) Default Vehicles Warthog x2 Revanent x2 Mongoose x 6 Banshee x 2 Wraith x1 Weapons DMR x16 Needle Rifle x6 Sniper Rifle x2 Shotgun x2 Rocket Launcher x2 Assault Rifle x2 Plasma Rifle x2 GRenade Launcher x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Focus Rifle x1 Plasma Launcher x1 Hammer x1 Plasma Grenade x8 enjoy! =]
Dang, that claw is awesome. Lot's of weapons is fine considering how big this is, but i'd recommend actually making it smaller. I think it's be better if you took away some of the land area (the lower area from "view from above" pic)The level is big enough without that much area there. just some food for thought.
That is quite the aesthetic piece you have ther my friend. I would have to say the best part is the "scared land" from the claw because it not only adds to the map as cover and fighting structures but it really sets the player in an a more unique playing environment. I'm not a fan of the revenants but I guess you can't really do anything about. It wouldn't hurt to have a splaser on the map if your going to have that many vehicles (I find the plasma laucher to be a little cheap IMO). Other then that your maps looks great and would definitely have some sick btb games
Can someone tell me how it plays on BTB? I have the map, but I can never get a large enough group together to do a custom BTB. Oh, and that claw is righteous.
The claw is indeed rather appealing. It looks really good, and like said above, i think the "scratched" rocks on the opposite side add to it's effect and make it seem more natural in it's environment. However, for future projects, I suggest having the map completed first before releasing it so you don't have to re-create new threads over and over for each version you complete. It's extremely unfair on other forgers if your same content is constantly being bumped up to the top spot when everyone has already seen it. Really, you should have just updated your initial thread with the version updates.
Thanks for the positive feedback and advice. I don't plan on making any further revisions, I submitted it to the forgetactular contest some months ago and until they announce the winners I'm just crossing my fingers and hopeing to see it in the BTB community playlist. I'll be the first to admit it is a little laggy in full parties, there's a lot of stuff on the map. but it's not so bad that it breaks the map. Your right, I should have just updated the original tread now that i think about it. Didn't mean to clutter up the forum. It won't happen again in the future. Thanks for the heads up stevo. =]
Alright, I did a walk through of the map and here are my questions: - Is the man cannon in the middle of the claw platform supposed to launch you on top of the claw, and if so, the plasma grenade launcherwould be insanely overpowered, as well as the rockets. Also, where would be the way down? - Under the claw platform, coming from wraith spawn, on the right, the transition between beach and wall is a major bump. moving that collisseum wall up one coordinate get rid of that with little bumps on the outside. Also, coming from blue tower to blue base is another bump, I suggest the same thing here. -Under claw platform is also iffy to me, only three ways to get with no cover, seems like a death trap. -The round ramps by each base are ALL major camping spaots, with the shotgun or grav hammer you would be almost invincible. I suggest fixing this. Other than that, awesome map 9/10