Halo (2012) - IMDb Don't know if it's old news or even real but looks like it could be. Anyone else seen or heard anything?
I've heard people go on about it but you can never be too sure. I also heard that Bungie scrapped the idea altogether. If it ever does appear on our screens it would probably be epic
I hope to god it's fake. If it has a big reveal with the Master Chief's face, I don't want it to be this,
The new Bootcamp comics show MC's face during his teenage and childhood years. After augmentations though it's made so that his face is harder to make out though still distinguishable. No he does not look like a turd
Faaaaaake. The Halo movie was cancelled years ago. It's not goiing to happen. Bugnie doesn't own Halo any more, so I guess they can't make the movie "when the time is right".
Last updated in october 2010. And do you really think microsoft is that stupid ( and not greedy enough for that matter) to not make this movie? If they do it right, it will make them a **** load of money. Hell if they only do a half ass job it will make a **** load of money. But if they keep their head that far up their own asses, they will have to foot the bill themselves.
Bungie will have nothing to do with the movie, and originally, they had very little to do with the original project before it was dropped. You sir, are a fool. It was hinted at by Microsoft not long ago. They mentioned they WOULD be making the movie. Bungie never owned Halo in the first place, the IP belonged to Microsoft. And as I said above, Bungie had very little to do with the movie when it was originally being made. Theres enough sources to show theres a pretty big chance that the movie will be made. People are incredibly negative just because it was cancelled once. But Im glad it was cancelled the first time around. District 9 was a great movie. And its pretty obvious this movie will be made. Microsoft are greedy as hell, they arent going to pass up a chance to make so much more.
Off-topic (my thread so I can) District 9 was **** mate. What was it really? A Look into apartheid? Did we really need another one of those? Oh, racism is bad.. Oh deary me. Pfft. Even beyond that the movie had no story. A Story has a beginning, a middle and an end. this one started in the middle and ended in the middle. Nothing was resolved. Two aliens made it off the planet. Did they actually come back? Was that dickhead agent ever returned to being human? Why were the aliens there anyway... I for one am glad Fat Jackson will have nothing to do with Halo now. All his movies were **** with the exception of Lord of the Rings. And even that pales to the books. Given that record he could never do Halo justice. Him and Weta should stick to special effects and props. That is the one things he is good at.
I'm sorry, I was searching Google and had to come in to help clarify things... This is absolutely wrong. Microsoft can at any time it wants make a Halo movie. They own the Halo IP now and that means anything Halo, which is why they made 343 Industries[1]. Bungie can no longer make anything Halo outside of the last of the DLC for Reach and ongoing stats support for all current Halo games (Exception of Halo Wars, but this support is subject to end whenever Bungie officially ends their final involvement and transfer over to 343 Industries). The Fox/Universal Jackson/Blomkamp Movie of 2007 is officially canceled, but since there have been attempts to push for a new movie based upon the Halo novel: "Fall of Reach" and involving Steven Spielberg as well as his company Dreamworks Studios[2]. Most recently Frankie of 343i has stated that there will be a Halo movie, and if necessary they would fund it themselves. A TV show is also being looked at[3]. This is also wrong because Bungie created Halo (from it's origins of a Macintosh RTS) and was the IP's primary owner until a little after Halo 3, when Bungie decide to go back to an independent game studio. In it's deal to leave, Bungie was required to sign over the Halo IP to Microsoft who later created 343 Industries to handle everything Halo[4]. Read up on facts, it helps. As for the Halo movie, I'm sure we'll be hearing more about it at two specific points, at E3 2011 (June 7–9) and Comic-Con 2011 (July 21–24) during the Halo Panel. Honestly, it's inevitable both as a corporate business decision for the money and a franchise one for the fans. Asian Inferno Ech0 Productions (Founder) Grunts 'R' Us (News Admin) Sources: [1]343 Industries [2]Halo Movie [3]Halo Movie Status & TV Possibility [4]Bungie
^That is the kind of post I was hoping for. Research well done mate. Even if they don't announce it at those events, we should start hearing about it around then. They would have a hard time keeping info about it from leaking out and they would need to start filming or at least casting it soon.
I think now is the best time to distinguish Bungie from 343 Studios. 343 Studios owns the rights to Halo and Halo's canon. Remember that Halo Wars is not a Bungie game, but is still canon. In the same way, Bungie will most likely not oversee the production of this film. 343 Studios (Microsoft) now calls the shots on the Halo franchise.
The movie better not be about the games, because we ****ing played them already. We already know what's going to happen. It better be focused on some origins story or some ****.