Remake Lockout

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ash55, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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    CLASSIC VERSION (Features more accurate geometry and jumps if you use "Classic" gametype settings... i.e. 125% jump, 150% gravity and 120% speed.)

    Some reviews although most positive feedback came while testing it. Yeah it's not very humble but I'm trying to sell it here so you'll have to forgive me. Plus, a lot of the credit doesn't go to me, it goes to other Lockout forgers that inspired this remake:

    "I'm buying the map pack just to download this map."

    "i might have to by the new maps if you could get this put into MM"

    "Epic. The only word that can describe it."

    "It played remarkably well, I might add, and was multitudes of fun. Nice work, my friend!"


    "Starting to finally think I have a reason to dish out for the new maps..."

    "Wow, the map looked amazing from the video!"

    "Just got done playing with ash, and I'm happy to say this map plays like a dream. It's really great to see Lockout back to its former glory."

    "It's amazing. Great job man. 10/10. Obix is gonna be scared when he finds this post."

    "This is very impressive. Well done. Oh, and you get extra points for doing it on a map other than Forgeworld."

    "I have downloaded it but haven't tried it yet. It looks phenomenal. Great job!"

    "Amazing forging, it looks absolutely dead accurate, down to some of the smallest details. I can't wait to play it with some friends, and if you ever want some people to play test it I'm certainly willing."

    Here's a copy and paste of the description from MLG forums:

    Thanks for viewing if you made it all the way to the end.
    #1 ash55, Jan 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I glad you finally posted this version here. This remake needed to be done and certainly fixes any frame rate issues that Forgeworld causes. It looks like you've used your objects more efficiently on this version as well.

    I'd recommend this map to anyone who is a fan of the original map, and it's definitely a reason to get the new map pack.
  3. Gino

    Gino Forerunner

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    I download it and played a couple matches on it. Personally I prefer the forge world one. This one seems too shiny XD Ill keep it though who knows I might get used to it...
  4. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
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    wow this maps looks like the best remake of any map every remade. I'm glad you put MLG weapons. I also love the fact you showed original pics of lockout. I'm glad you redid it on tempest to avoid lag.
  5. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    This is absolutely amazing. Props for giving Maky credit, I can see you really enjoyed his design as much as I did, while making it even better.

    Perfect remake IMO, it doesn't get much better than this.
  6. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    awwwww. i came to see a map on tempest. you shoud fix that. anyway, map looks very accurate. i like how you copyied the old pic from halo 2 on reach like with the reloading. im downloading this later :)
  7. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Nearly 3,000 downloads! That's absolutely astounding. I'm glad I downloaded this because it's a perfect remake. Probably the most accurate I have ever seen. If Reconstruction gets a feature then this better. If not, it's a crime. Very few maps on this site have achieved the greatness you have.
  8. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Instead of looking at a picture or two and then being all like, "OMG this map rocks.", I actually took the time to closely examine every aspect of all the pictures. And I have to say that this is a very impressive remake. Like many people have told you before, I might get the DLC just to be able to play this map. Great job.
  9. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Awesome map Ash, downloaded and practically had a Forgegasm. But, there is the missing jump of railling to door frame on Sniper middle coming from main-platfom (bottom) and elbow, which while minor is kinda annoying, just pointing it out by the way, the map is still awesome.
  10. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    This defiantly is THE BEST out there. The comments here aren't just hype, like some are in other lockout remakes. I have been playing H2 for a full 7 years and this legitimately makes me feel at home, and I hate reach! I ran games on it too and I did not find anything worth noting on the gameplay side of things. Feels more like blackout, but that's because reach and H3 aren't necessarily what lockout was made for.

    Extremely good job, absolutely loved it!
  11. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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  13. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    I'm no die-hard Lockout pro or anything, but I have to say this map is my favorite remake. Everything looks good, feels right, plays well, and brings Reach to an old classic. For me, this map just works: the background of Tempest makes for a very appealing space to fight within and the lack of lag is fantastic. Great stuff!
  14. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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    No prob. I made the first version use the MLG set because I had barely any money left. And since then I've found a few spots that I could build more cheaply. So now I'm able to put every weapon on the map.
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    best lockout remake ive seen on Reach yet.
    all fans of lockout should definitely snatch this.

    itll be a keeper forever. everything is in its right place.
    truly a fantastic job.
  16. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    Hands down the best lockout remake I've seen, and the frame rate is vastly improved. Looking forward to some LAN games on it later this month. :)
  17. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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    Thanks. There's a version 2 in my fileshare where I fixed a few problems. However, I'm thinking of making a version 3 that will allow you to do a bottom-mid to top-mid jump.
  18. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I was wondering if this jump was ever going to get added in. It's so hard with the reach jump height but I'm sure you got some good ideas.
  19. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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    The only option I can think of is adding a block that you can use to clear that jump, but it could block the view from the bottom Sniper window to bottom mid. I know that window's not in the original Lockout, but it opens the map up more and makes it less campy for competitive games.

    If you prefer no window, I removed that window in the default version (if you're wondering where you can download a more exact iteration).

    If anyone has any more examples of jumps they'd like adding (some how) post them. I played Lockout non-stop in Halo 2, but there has to be a few things I've forgotten.
  20. Riflegaming

    Riflegaming Forerunner

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    There has been to many remakes of this map, why doesn't someone try to remake more of the pit?

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