Community Playlist

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. The Guns of Gilead

    The Guns of Gilead Forerunner

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    Was just about to say the same thing. This is the first group that we are looking at. And these are just the symetrical category maps right? These may be garbage, but just don't lay any votes down and they won't be around for too long.

    Don't weigh too heavily on looks and z-fighting either, cause both of these should be lower on the priority list than gameplay. Sometimes simple is the better way too go and z-fighting, unless it's everywhere is okay. It's inevitable.

    Haven't played these yet, but based on Atom, Cliffhanger, and the testimonies thus far it looks like these guys can't pickem very well. We must vote for the dime piece maps only.
  2. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My problem is that we HAVE to vote on something in the lobby. What if they all suck? We must choose the lesser of evils it seems...

    Still, Bungie said that a community playlist would go live BEFORE the Forgetacular results and that it would NOT reflect on the winners. Over at B.Net, the forum-goers are freaking out, some thinking that these 9 maps won :)

    However, if Bungie can willingly allow a community playlist with sucky respawns, bad kill zones and horrid power weapon control, then I cant imagine frame hiccups causing too much of an issue.
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I'll have to check them out tomorrow. So far I'm disappointed by the fact that all the maps are just symmetrical boxes, similar to many sandbox maps, when I'd been so pleased that lots of people were trying and posting asymmetrical maps
  4. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Maybe this batch of submissions came from the symmetrical arena category?
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    idk if they said that specifically, but it seems pretty obvious, heh.
  6. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I got it. You can just vote none of the above.
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    even if some of the maps aren't great, it will be nice for some more variety in 4v4 slayer.

    the bigger story for me is that they added FFA ARENA
  8. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    And fixed Asylum Infection, for those concerned. I didn't think it was too big a problem. Anyway, the new maps seem disappointing, but I hope we get some more choices as the week goes on.

  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Well if all the maps are seriously as bad as you guys are all saying, just don't play the Community Playlist. I think that sends the best message if none of these maps are up to standard.
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Obsidian is up on my list of worst trash ever played, the bottom level is far to cluttered, the lift in the tower doesn't properly work about 10% of the time (You either fly al the way up, then all the way down, or only halfway up), and the sniper is just a short jetpack flight away from the highest point in the map. Everything but the bottom floor is much too open for a sniper IMO anyway.
    Haven't played any other of the maps, because this was my first impression, but could somebody tell me if they get better? Or any worse?
  11. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Well these are for the symmetrical category, it says it in all of the maps' discriptions, but that still doesnt justify this garbage, i really hope these arent the finalists and that they are just the first wave.
  12. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    bungie just can't handle being second place

    First let us all look at the forge maps that bungie had made themselves, the cage, pinnicle are the two maps that mlg NEVER play on. Why is this? Because of the severe unbalance of each map. And now, when the community creates maps that completely blows their creation's out of the water, they use backhanded means to not uvail them. But hold up, maybe their right on the performance issues and such.

    After playing on all those maps it has become apparent. Bungie is merely jealous, jealous to the creative minds that can make beautiful maps off the top of their heads within hours. I'd be humored to see what their faces would look like if I could show off my maps. I am not fortunate of this because they limit fileshares to be available to xbox 360 hardrives only (flash or portable harddrives do not work). I have 17 maps completed and ready for play, all with a different theme to the map.

    This is with 3 months of playing and around 500 hours of forging alone (each map taking 3-6hours each. Where it takes you to make 3 maps I can make 17 alone. See the difference? my GT is DHG redemption7 if you don't believe me.
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I haven't played all of them yet but so far Enclosed is the only one I could even consider as decent. Without the jetpacks IMO the gameplay on the map would be so much better. Players won't have such a huge height advantage and with most of the cover for ground players being height variation, it isn't too helpful against somebody flying above you with a needle rifle when all you have is an AR.

    also, elite slayer's been fixed :D I got a game of multi team elite slayer where the only thing people used wasn't armor lock <3
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    There is no excuse for's completely avoidable. A slight tap of RB or LB, or shift of the stick and it's gone. Coordinates are great but they aren't perfect..sometimes it needs a forgers touch.
  15. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Enclosed, diamond in the rough that it is doesnt make this playlist enjoyable. Thrust isnt bad, but I play Bumperjumper and dont really use jetpacks... the other maps ARE GARBAGE imo, there are so many better maps here on FH. We guys should show bungie how to find real winners ....... And by the way, if you dont like a map on the playlist dont vote, even if it means you have to play a poopy map, and hopefully they will hear you. I am very glad to see the playlist - it does show Bungie supports and cares about it's Forging community. Kudos to us :D

    and no, i didnt read all the previous posts but I should have >.<
    #35 vesicles, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  16. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    played all of the maps there were only 2 or 3 that with corrections would feel comfortable, but not playable and one of em' was my favorite; but I can't remember the name.

    I know ziggurat if it had the fixes and lacked the 'dead end' then it would be good.

    Another map that needed fixed was Asprocity; The Weapon balence didn't feel right and the only reason to be on bottom was the shotgun or the sniper in the back of bases; this also made it almost too much of a power play map.(if you didn't get the weapon you were outplayed)
    The Only Pics I Got Before I had to leave....


    Uploaded with

    Reverence was O.K. and felt a bit like the cage and guardians baby it has an asymmetrical feel but is symmetrical and I found it easy (after grabbing the sword) to crouch camp on the tunnel above the grenade launcher lift)

    I believe it was Enclosed that was my favorite; even though it needed some work I found it very..real...I guess is the word. The shotgun is very balanced, though I think the rockets should be traded in for sniper and balanced with another sniper and a few more smaller weapons wouldn't hurt. The middle was a grenade battle of epicness so I stuck mainly to the smaller corner 1v1 battles only to find the team mates ganging up on me thus resulting in my demise most of the time. A little more cover on the outside and a little less cover on the inside would make this map better than it is.

    Overview of Enclosed:

    My overall consensus; yes these maps are not offense creators but they suck I suggest taking about every page of Reaching Perfection's Manual and applying it to the maps.

    The maps of course are Vote Dependent so after you play the maps find the best one that sucks the least and vote the heck out of it.

    One last note: Does anyone know how often the playlist will change up?
    #36 Dart3rocks, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  17. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I get that this is only the first round of what will be many community maps but it's sort of a first impressions thing. Out of what must have been hundreds of maps (possibly hundreds for each category as well) these are the 9 top symmetrical maps? One of them is a stolen Atom map (Enzeit like bows said is just Atom that had been modified by another person..take a look at the creater/author in forge).

    Guess what I'm trying to say is its just disappointing. I have over 40 forge maps in my file share all of them highly creative, very fun, and I'm sure there are many more that I haven't downloaded that are equally great. Then I see these playlist maps and its like a slap in the face to all the creative people who thought out of the box instead of just looking at a Bungie map and saying, "Well I could move some stuff around and it will be better".

    Only one I liked was Enclosed because it didn't just spam the building section of forge and it was very cleanly forged. Everything else from bad spawns, bad line of sight (I think it was capacitor that from the initial spawn I could immediately see the other team's spawn), like 50 grenades, strange weapons (seriously a laser?), severe lack of kill barriers, z-fighting, bumpiness, and the list just goes on and on. I mean with 10 minutes of play testing these issues could be found and noted. Did all that list matter less than if it lags a bit in SPLITSCREEN, who the **** cares about split-screen. I've had a friend over to play on my xbox in split-screen once, and we weren't doing matchmaking.

    [/end rant]
  18. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    It may have just been editted by another person,
    that doesnt necessarily mean it was stolen.

    Settle down, everybody

    So far, Endzeit has been the only map in the bunch that i have consistently experienced a reasonably balanced game, having fun whether i win or lose. I do find the map to be nauseatingly boring, but hey, gameplay > aesthetic, right?

    All of the other maps have been plagued by the terribleness that everyone has previously mentioned.

    But i think the reason for them failing so hard is the bad high points, and jetpacks.
    They would likely play completely differently if jetpack was removed, because it wouldnt be so easy for people to control top areas and control spawning by doing so. Multiple maps in the group had me spawning below, while a team camped a top-middle point that was only quickly accessible by jetpack. Even if we succeeded to take one of them out with teamwork, he quickly jetpacked back to rejoin his teammates camping.

    Some of the games i had tonite were ragequit bad level... felt like i was playing the first wave of bad foundry maps all over again.

    Overall though, despite the bad maps,
    I am having fun playing a new variety in MM. Im happy that bungie did anything like this at all. I really do hope these arent the finalists, but if they are, cheers to the creators.
    #38 Titmar, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011
  19. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    The two new maps that were released first into matchmaking (atom and cliffhanger) were a massive disappointment. I can and have made maps that are better both aesthetically and in gameplay.
    Now after reading the last 4 pages of hate it seems these maps absolutely ****ing suck. I havent played them yet as being at a friends house for a few days makes it impossible to play split screen in the playlist.
    Better hope the winners of forgetacular are good...
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I was going to come back to comments I've made in the past (basically to this effect) myself. To say that Bungie simply don't know what makes a good map is as senseless as it gets, they've come up with some of the most stunning and long standing map designs I've ever experienced in any FPS, not even to the point at which all the greats were in the past and so can be counted out in terms of the 'old days' of Bungie and designers changing etc. But, with that in mind, I still can't think of a way to reconcile how awful their taste in forge maps is without simply concluding that they still look on user created content with a certain amount of disdain and the view that anything made with forge will never be a 'proper map'.

    But then, why bother with this playlist at all? True it serves to placate some elements of the community, but to a large extent those elements equate to us, the hardcore forgers with a passion for seeing creations take their place in official rotation, and time after time such attempts fall foul of about 90% of the established forge community, so this seems to rule out that idea as well. The only idea I can fully reconcile is that the claims they make about such harsh (but necessary, and I can totally understand them being staunch on this since it wouldn't do to put maps which don't even function properly in to an officially sanctioned rotation) standards being the only reason that these rather poor offerings are all we have. I can't speak for the all the options submitted to them and how they perform in these respects, but even if this is fair reason then shouldn't they perhaps take it as a hint that the forge space and object set they've provided us with is overly prohibitive in terms of producing a map that plays well and functions well in basic technical terms? Basically, get rid of those damn lights on objects and give us something we can actually use without constantly worrying about frame rate, even if it's plain grey blocks all the way I genuinely couldn't care less.

    I maintain my respect for Bungie as insanely good map designers, at their best (which is very often imo, something else worthy of respect in itself) they can merge balance and fun in a way that keeps me coming back for more for years at a time. But why, when I still hold fast to this respect, they continue to take large, stinking dumps on the potential offerings of what user creation tools can potentially do doesn't even frustrate me anymore, it just depresses me.
    #40 Pegasi, Jan 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2011

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