What would you want in a Halo MMORPG/FPS

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Carter1234, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Im pretty sure most of you heard of the Halo MMO that was cancelled back when Halo 2/3 was new. If a Halo MMO was released, what would you want in it? Include things like:

    Type of Gameplay
    RP level (If there is a player run universe/player driven currency, players as electable leaders)
    NPC System
    What type of consle(s) (PS3, X360, PC) (PS3 had 256 player MAG, so PS3 can handle large amounts of players, and X360 had the 100 player quiz show, 1 vs 100, so X360 can handle it too. Do I have to explain PC?)
    If PC, what graphics card would be the minimum
  2. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I think I already got what I wanted from it: for it to be cancelled. MMOs based around something else which is popular at the time don't work, they rely on people to pay for the game and then keep paying for the game and if its popularity relies on something elses popularity and the developers know this then the game will most probably suck.

    But If it was done properly then I think it should be Covenant themed, set before the human-Covie war. There's so much you could do which would allow for the MM and the RP to make sense, not like the marine based game they were making. An MMO were everyone is apparently AWOL marines doing some vigilanty work against the covenant?
    You could still have Forerunner, Elites and Prophets seeked out relics long before discovering humanity, or even each other!
    That would be a Halo MMO I might be happy with and they don't have to worry about contradicting much canon. Elites vs Prophets, lots of opportunities to design new weapons, characters, missions, alien homewods and forerunner relics.
  3. Halo [MMORPG]

    First off, I would like the setting of the story to be even farther into the future, where possibly, Spartans II's or even better type of Spartans were more mass-produced, allowing this to actually happen. But what I would like to see is:
    • Armor Customization
    • Weapon Customization
    • Gameplay similar to Mass Effect 2
    • Level-Up System
    • Spartan Abilities [Similar to Spells from WoW]
    • Really Good Graphics
    • Different Classes
    • Typically any Other Good MMO/RPG Element
    Spartan Classes
    • Super-Soldier
    • Infiltrator
    • Medic
    • Spec-Ops
    • Commando
    • Forerunner
    • Elite Unit
    • Any Type of Armor from Previous Games and More
    • Ability to Customize/Create your Armor
    • Ability to Upgrade your Armor
    • Armor Rarity
    • All Types of Weapons [Previous Halos and More]​
    • Ability to Customize your Weapon​

      Ability to Upgrade your Weapon​

      Secondary Attacks​
    Level-Up System
    • Allows you to do all of the Above​
    • From Level 1 to 100? Or more?​
    • EXP from Kills [Monsters/Covenant/Other Players]​
    • EXP from Quests​
    • EXP from Side-Quests​
    • More etc.​
    Spartan Abilities
    • Typically like Spells from Other Games​
    • Sprint, Evade, Double Shot, Charged Shot, Enhanced Combat Ability, etc.​
    • Ability to Upgrade Spartan Abilities​
    • Great Graphics​
    • Ability to Play as a Covenant Class [Unexplained]​
    • Allows Co-Op​
    • Allows for Single Player Campaign Experience​
    • Ability to Bring Stats from Campaign to Online Interactions​
    Other than that, this pretty much sums up what my ideal MMORPG would be like. I always thought WoW should heve had a campaign, then allow you to bring your character over to Online Gameplay. I've only played WoW once, so I don't really know.​
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    all vehicles drivable/pilotable

    battles with 50+ on each side

    treasure hunting (ancient artifacts)

    full paint shop for armor, and ability to save/share or sell them (example, security arm with flames, save as a file)

    blacksmith shop to shape and mold armor pieces, rename them (your name for it, designated security shoulder base, etc)

    ability to carry more than 2 weapons for slower speed

    make it possible to lose all weapons/some type of hand to hand fighting training

    multiplayer space battles

    will edit if i think of more.
    #4 IH8YourGamerTag, Jan 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2011
  5. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    For the love of God, Bungie, please dont make a game like WoW.

    I want a Halo MMO that is either modern or futuristic. I want FPS and TPS gameplay, epic battles, bases, vehicles, and strategy.
    Also, I used to play an MMO that is set about 140 years before the events of reach. You may like it, and you will help populate the game (it only has about 30 or 40 consistently playing characters) The last time it updated the game news was 2 years ago.

    I got banned from it: Face of Mankind - Massively Multiplayer Online Action RPG

    If you do join, tell em Mack sent ya.
    #5 Carter1234, Jan 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2011
  6. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    I had this idea that i though would work really good in a Rpg or MMO. Having a agillity stat usaully relates to how fast you move or how well you dodge attack. my thought was to change the stats to alter the way you navigate the map. Example lets say you have an Agility of 1 then you have to walk up the stairs but if your agility was say a 10 then you could just climb strait up the wall and not have to take the stairs.
  7. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    So Halo Runescape?
  8. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    It's funny... I started writing up my Halo Tactical RPG/FPS mix a few days ago... D: Though it wasn't going to be MMO based in a true sense.

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