The second rock crawl map I have made. This one is based of a trail in Moab, UT called "Moab Rim". The trail has you literally crawling on the edge of a cliff! So naturally this will be on the cliffs edge!!!!! This map will require skilled driving, picking out your line and taking it with a feathered throttle and hittin it hard when needed. After you reach the end there is a loop where you can loop around and do the track in reverse. Double the fun right? Remember this is is not a structured race. It is meant for fun! TO THE MAP: The Entrance - After that climb its a sharp right turn into another multiple line obstacle that when completed gives you a rewarding view - The you will slowly go around the cliff goind under the arch then over the bumps - Then you will go through squeeze rock that might take off some paint (or a turret hehe) and down and around the slick turn - Then through another "rock garden" and to another cliffside turn - The rest ill let you exp yourself. Again, at the end you can choose either way and loop back around and do the track in reverse! Have fun and let me know how you do!!!
Great idea, but it could use some tweaking. I could definetley see this as a popular minigame with the right characteristics. I dont want to share everything, but send me a private message if you want to know the idea. I really think this could work.
I've always wanted to make a race map like this, and I feel you've ignored an aspect that could make your map appeal to a much larger audience - aesthetics. If you pay more attention to the detail of your course, you could seriously have a popular map. Be creative with where you make the track, and try to stay as far away from colosseum windows and walls if you can help it. My idea of a crawl track like this would involve a track that works it's way along the higher points of the map, make even using forerunner pieces that look like they have crumbled away. You can use a bigger pallet instead of just the "natural" looking rocks if you know how to pull it off I haven't yet played the track so I'm not doubting you did a great job, the course itself seems fun, and having it playable in reverse is great, but I hope you see what my point is.
Added video. Thanks for the comments guys. Just keep in mind, it to mess around and have fun on. ROCK ON!