Kanava District is an urban-themed Big Team Battle map that can support parties of various sizes. It is primarily centered around infantry combat, with some open areas for vehicle combat. Kanava was originally forged by the silencebrokn, and then I, TEETMARE, was asked to coforge and help finish up the map and change around a few things. Silence and I are both very proud of how the map turned out, and we hope you all enjoy it as much as we have during testing. Kanava District supports nearly all standard gametypes, so take her for a spin on whatever you fancy. Silence has included an optional gametype for you all to try as well, the links are provided. *OPTIONAL* CUSTOM GAMETYPE: Click here to download MAP OVERVIEW: 5 DMRs | 30 seconds 1 Grenade Launcher | 90 seconds 3 Magnums | 30 seconds 1 Shotgun | 90 seconds 2 Sniper Rifles | 120 seconds 1 Mounted Machine Gun | 180 seconds 1 Energy Sword | 180 seconds 2 Needle Rifles | 30 seconds 2 Needlers | 90 seconds 1 Plasma Launcher | 120 seconds 2 Plasma Pistols | 30 seconds 2 Plasma Repeaters | 30 seconds 6 Frag Grenades | 30 seconds 4 Plasma Grenades | 30 seconds 1 Active Camo | 90 seconds 1 Warthog | 90 seconds (Asymmetric Only) 2 Ghosts | 120 seconds VIDEO: YouTube - Forgehub.com presents: KANAVA DISTRICT SCREENSHOTS: Red base starting spawn Back alley to Red base Looking down the canal from shotgun spawn Shotgun spawn Red sniper (to your right, up the ramp from Red spawn) Another view of Red base Middle area Looking from Blue, past Shotgun to Camo tunnel Looking from camo tunnel, down the other alley to Red base Blue starting spawn Blue base vehicle bay (left from blue spawn) Looking from the middle area, toward Blue vehicle bay ACTION SHOTS: Thanks for playing, all forms of feedback are appreciated. Many thanks go to all of our testers, you are too numerous to list, but we love you all the same. Links again if you missed 'em: Map: download Gametype: (optional) download thesilencebroken Portfolio Titmar Portfolio
Looks like a great map for btb. Personally I think it looks a little spacey or vehicle/weapon heavy for 4v4. Also I think the rocks on the metal and the underground grass look a little strange but definitely break up the grey. All the same the gameplay looks amazing. The weapons look balanced and well placed. I look forward to playing on it.
Trust me cyborg, this map is not vehicle heavy/spacey. There is a lot of cover and very easy to move around without being vehicle owned. And if you do move out into the more open areas just have armor lock and you can take care like 90% of vehicles trying to splatter as there really isn't much room for just staying in one place and shooting people for long. I've done several playthroughs on the map and they were usually very fun. Usually whoever had the better sniper ended up winning most of the games.
I Downloaded your map and I have to say this lookks great for btb multiflag! There are so many routes betweeen the side, and the river actually provides some decent cover. I love the aesthetics and the map and would love to play on it sometime.
You said that the team with the better sniper wins. That shouldn't happen in a well balanced map. A team should win because they are better coordinated, not because of a weapon. If that happens often, you should try limiting the sniper's ammo or prolonging its respawn time. Also, do you have a full list of vehicles? From the video it seems that each team has 1+ ghosts, a warthog, and multiple mongooses. I'd suggest just getting rid of the warthog and adding a ghost. There seems to be a lack of ground space to freely move with the warthog. Anyways, good map. It looks nice with the urban theme, which some maps are lacking, which I find sad because urban combat is awesome. This is one of the first BTB maps I've seen in which infantry are better suited than vehicles. Also maybe you could add some higher perches or something, like the roofs of buildings in ODST. Ah, well I'm getting carried away. Maybe I'll make a map like that sometime...
It's definitely a team thing. It's difficult to balance 12-16 people every time you play. Eventually, there are gonna be times when you get a group of people who are just more skilled than the opposition. If they know how to lock down a map with a good setup, then it's going to happen. Ex: Lockout, Halo 2. Great map, well balanced, still capable of team formations that allow for difficult penetration once they get going. It's all on the other team to work together to break it. Essentially it just chalks up to players feeding kills to the opposition instead of tactically trying to bring them down. The mongeese were because of a pro gametype: 5 DMRs | 30 seconds 1 Grenade Launcher | 90 seconds 3 Magnums | 30 seconds 1 Shotgun | 90 seconds 2 Sniper Rifles | 120 seconds 1 Mounted Machine Gun | 180 seconds 1 Energy Sword | 180 seconds 2 Needle Rifles | 30 seconds 2 Needlers | 90 seconds 1 Plasma Launcher | 120 seconds 2 Plasma Pistols | 30 seconds 2 Plasma Repeaters | 30 seconds 6 Frag Grenades | 30 seconds 4 Plasma Grenades | 30 seconds 1 Active Camo | 90 seconds 1 Warthog | 90 seconds (Asymmetric Only) 2 Ghosts | 120 seconds
Lemme start by saying TSB, best avatar EVAR! lulz The map: Beautiful. In the Forge Discussion I recall stating that the whole enclosed-BTB idea did it for me, well after playing it, still does. The final build is product of two very talented forgers displaying the power outside thinking. The games I played we never had any spawn issues, imbalance in the weapons or anything, which is a spectacular feat. The vehicles didn't dominate as much as the pictures may make it seem, they met a good balance and with 2 plasma pistols at a 30 second spawn timer, they should never be an issue.
thank you for your opinions and thoughts on the map, but we encourage all players to actually play the map before they cast judgment upon it. thanks for checking it out, hope you like it once you play =)
yeah I made that sniper comment based soley on the 4 or so games we played on it in which nibbles was on the other team and kept grabbing the sniper and I kept grabbing it for our team....he was better than me with it, and our team lost most of those matches lol. That's all I meant.
i remember this one! good layout, memorable architecture. tightly forged, everything in its right place a solid effort, a juicy flow... btb... even foe v foe ...just one thing fellers: the name's gotta go
Glad you like the map, but I've seen some way more unfitting names on here than this one. "Kanava" means canal.
bad names come and go -- it matters little! im grasping for straws here. but in honor of kanava district, i shall title my next effort 'bedroom house' its not a bad name at all -- its just mashed potatoes without the butter, you know?
I'm going to ignore whatever drop is talking about because I'm assuming it's retarded. I don't think I've ever seen on a map that plays so many gametypes as well as Kanava does. I guess no other map can go for 4v4 to 8v8 and still hold the same quality as Kanava does. EVERYONE needs to download this map because it's perfect for ANY size party. I know I'm hoping to play on it again and hopefully get some more epic mongoose sniper fights. Great map guys, keep em' coming.
Extremely solid map that deserves tons of attention. The couple of games that I played on this were a lot of fun, even with the "getting to know the map" stages that I normally hate. It's pretty easy to get your bearings on this map, which is crucial for Flag games (which played extremely well on KD). Spawning didn't seem to be any more of a problem that it does in normal MM games, so kudos to you guys for making the best of a pretty crappy system. I could say more, but all you need to know is that two great forgers made an even greater map. Do the math and enjoy yourself.
Very well made map. It was hard to tell just how well by the pictures, but once i played the map i was impressed, there was a few parts that seemed out of place, but otherwise, no complaints. Well done
One of the prettyiest asymmetrical maps I've ever seen. Excellent work, I'll DL immediately I only have 2 questions: How did you get such a good looking Above-Head shot? AND Aren't you worried about that tower in the top left corner? It looks to be a mighty fine camping spot
I took the roof off and in theater mode I flew straight up and looked down. Honest, that's all I did. Then in photoshop, I just blacked out all the areas that weren't playable space. Secondly, the tower was an initial worry, but after playtesting, it literally made a good spot for the sniper on red team to set up for defense in one-sided gametypes and that is about it. In any other gametype, you'd probably be pretty bored. Red base was designed with one thing in mind.. defense. And that's all it's good for.
yea its definitely one of the least effective sniper spots. sniper is better off camping on the bridge where it spawns than back in the base, but even then, your view is limited to looking down the canal. you've kinda got to expose yourself a bit to get a better view of the central, open area. thanks to everyone for the positive comments!!
I dont know if youve been told this already but you need ot decrease the number of power weapons on the map...also your map looks way too open with the only aesthetic feature being the areas near the water for the most part...
Play the map before saying this stuff It has vehicles on it so it needs open parts, and there are many not open parts for infantry to avoid the vehicles. As far as too many power weapons...no. In the 4 or 5 games I played the weapon set was never a problem.