``````````````````Smoke, Mirror & Fire effects can now be placed in your maps!``````` Remember The Destructable Invasion Gate? Well, i'm back with some new visual effects. After a bit of experimenting I figured out how to make some pretty cool visual effects in forge. If you want to know how the effects look, there are rendered videos linked below. They are included inside of file sets that includes the original maps if you want to experiment. You can also post any questions below. have fun with the new effects! Furnace: Click here for Rendered Video if it doesn't work [bungievid]12071371[/bungievid] Hall of Mirrors: Click here for Rendered Video if it doesn't work [bungievid]12071358[/bungievid] You are all free to borrow these elements and please post a link to your maps that include them so everyone can enjoy them! Now I just need ideas for where to put theses features and what kind of maps you think these would go well with, any thoughts?
I agree with Cry. I love the effects but to use them, the maps would have to suffer quite a bit from budget constraints and object limits or simply be very small projects.
I said this on BNet and I'll say it again. You are God. And Darwin. And Cthulhu. All rolled into one awesome deity of epic.
well if you were to have the pit were the fire is, without a top, you could make it look like the fire kills you however the killball will kill you and it would save quite a bit of money just going to the basics
These are pretty awesome and if used right can actually use a reasonoble amount of budget if used properly in my mind.
When I was inventing these effects I had budget in mind. All of these effects are actually pretty cheap in their basic form. Fire only requires a kill ball, a wraith/tank/warthog, and a floor. On the other hand it can be expensive to render if used improperly, you will pay with frame rate. The Reflection effect's cost is directly tied to the size of the room in question, since you need to double each piece inside for it to work. Also, it won't work outside of small rooms since there is no way to mirror a sky convincingly.
*Sigh* Only on forge hub would any one actually care about such aesthetic gimmicks... Can we go back to making playable maps now?
The mirror image would also fall apart with moveable objects like the barricade. Once a grenade hits the barricade and it moves, it ruins the illusion.
Not if the objects are all fixed! Also, Spartan don't have reflection, maybe that will go well with a vampire infection variant?
Yeah, because maps can't look good and play well at the same time >.> I was planning on using the fire effect(but with a warthog for realistic fire) in my Act 2 for the elevator but decided not to because of budget constraints and limited space. The first time I noticed the effect was on my UNSC Trebuchet when there used to be warthog turrets. If you blew them up, it would look like the ship had taken damage and was on fire which was a pretty sweet effect if someone was thinking of doing a Machinima. The reflection effect is nice, though I'm not sure if I'd be willing to cut up my budget just for that.
Actually they can, but none of these aesthetic gimmicks will. And if by some miracle you can manage it to work in full screen without lag, as soon as you introduce split screen I can guarantee you it will kill the frame rate. Unless you can forge a map that plays well in split screen as well as normal, I have zero respect for you as a forger.
The Zealot used in the MLG playlist lags like a *****, all up and down top mid in splitscreen. Plus, can you honestly tell me how many decent competitive people play splitscreen? It completely throws you off.
MLG Combine events. 'Nuff said. The fact that its a requirement by Bungie for maps to enter into MM as well says plenty.
The fact that Asylum lags when zooming from one sniper base to the other without split-screen says plenty more.
yeah...not sure why you're defending split screen so much, how often are you in it? I've been in it once with a friend. Anyway to keep the thread on topic and not about the failures in bungie maps I think the effects are neat and thank you for bringing them up. The guy never said use this in all your maps. Just presenting a neat aesthetic which I can see being used in aesthetic maps, calm down people.
NO, keep on fighting and trolling, it's a free source of entertainment! Anyway, the fire effect is really just an exploded warthog, that is more than compatible with split screen, you see it all the time in big team with more than one vehicle on fire at once i might add.
If I may ask, if you could rate on a scale of 1 to 10, about how laggy does the game become with the first effect on? What about the second? (1 is no lag, 3 is reasonable lag, suitable for medium parties, 5 is moderate lag, 8 is high lag, and not recommended, 10 is game-breaking lag.) I'm just asking, as I may use one of the two effects in one of my future maps. I really want to know which one is less laggy so that I can build my map and not have to worry about as much lag.
I don't think the smoke effect itself will be a major problem in game seeing as you're only destroying a vehicle. The bigger problem you might have is keeping the smoke. Eventually the vehicle carcass will disappear (won't it?) so every few minutes you'll have a large explosion if you choose to have the vehicle respawning. Also, I have a feeling that vehicle smoke may be one of things which isn't always shown, like the bomb explosion... you just get flying bodies! Its still a cool effect, I just wouldn't advise making maps reliant on it.
I'm not sure why people are getting so up in arms about this. The dude came up with some sick aesthetics and you're acting like Forge Nazis. He presented his aesthetics and said take it or leave it. At least show him the respect he deserves. I think the aesthetics are awesome by the way. I'd like to use the grid one in a puzzle map if that's cool.