This map is a 2vs2 game setup so far and i have about 400 dollars left in budget but i don't know what to name the map...... i would use sub base but people would get confused with the call of duty one please help me name the map so i can post it... Map Style: 2v2 comp. Map Name Preferences: nothing too broad Map Quality Named After: Map Name Meaning: Map Description: has waterfall and a submarine and it is partialy in water The map has... ~ 2 frag gernades ~ 2 dmrs ~ 1 sniper ~ 1 gernade launcher Here are some pictures... front pic better image of the submarine [br][/br]Edited by merge: my first idea that comes to mind is trieste fortezza. Trieste is the name of a famouse Italian Submarine and Fortezza is the Italian word for fort
submersed, trawler, subversive, depth charge any of these strike your fancy they're just off the top of my head