Im creating a list for invasion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by deathangle, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    Ok i'm generally confused about what the labels in invasion do so i though it would be a good idea to compile an easy to understand list. Even after reading the guide by JonnyOthan at i still dont have clear understanding of what each label will accomplish if you can fill in the blanks then let me know.

    1. Invasion - (your Answer could go here)

    2. Inv_Weapon - (^)

    3. Inv_Vehicle - (^)

    4. Inv_Gates - (^)

    5. Inv_objective (^)

    6 Inv_Obj_Flag - (^)

    7 Inv_Res_P1,P2,P3 - (is a respawn infleuncer for Phase 1,2 and 3 of invasion)

    8. Inv_Res_Zone

    9. Inv_Platform (Reserved for spire dont do anything) -Nemihara

    10. Inv_Mancannon (Reserved for spire dosen't do anything) -Nemihara

    And also what does the None label do is it any different from the no label label.

    Please help to fill in the blanks
    #1 deathangle, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    AFAIK Inv_Platform and Inv_Mancannon are reserved for Spire and don't do anything.
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I'm doing this off the top of my head so some of these might be incorrect. Just make sure for the phased object spawning labels that the respawn time isn't set to never.

    1. Invasion - (Use this alongside the gametype specific option to have objects ONLY spawn in Invasion)

    2. Inv_Weapon - (Use to make objects spawn at a certain phase, does not have a marker at the start of phase.)

    3. Inv_Vehicle - (Use to make objects spawn at a certain phase, objects with this label will have a marker over the object for a couple seconds at the start of the phase.)

    4. Inv_Gates - (Used to despawn objects at a certain phase)

    5. Inv_objective (Used to mark where an objective is (territory) or where an objective's goal point is)

    6 Inv_Obj_Flag - (Used to mark where an objective that can be carried will spawn (bomb and core))

    Pretty sure the none label doesn't do anything though I may be wrong. Also there is an invasion_cinematics label which you don't use because it screws your map up apparently.
    #3 Rifte, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  4. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Enable Gametype-Specific on this object to make it only appear in Invasion.

    This object will spawn at the start of Phase #<Spawn Sequence>.

    This object will spawn at the start of Phase #<Spawn Sequence>, and will have a waypoint for a few seconds.

    This object will vanish at the end of Phase #<Spawn Sequence>. Bungie recommends not using this on weapons, vehicles, or Armor Abilities.

    A Capture Point, bomb plant point, or Core drop point.

    A Core/bomb spawn point.

    INV_NO_CORE_ZONE (Breakpoint only)
    The Core instantly resets upon entering this area?

    A respawn point usable by an entire team.

    A respawn point for Phase X, usable by Fireteam #<Spawn Sequence>. (Fireteams are numbered 0 through 2; a value of 3 or higher makes the spawn accessible to all Fireteams on a given team.)

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