This is a map that can be used for target practice, or shooting contests with freinds. You spawn in the barracks, where there is a lounge, mess hall, and the door to the range. The range is made up of long, short, and moving targets, The shooting platform itself has various levels, and angles. To use the moving targets, you enter the teleporter under the ramp to the top. it leads you to vehicles and other teleporters. Have fun and enjoy! Spawn with cool fountain Lounge and 3-D TV. Pool Table Mess hall and kitchen Door to the range Shooting platform Short Range Targets Long Range Targets Tele System Special Thanks to the 101st Regiment (Clan im in) For testing and ideas
Very good idea, but there seems to be no challenge of long range sniping when the targets don't move. it is also would seem too easy as i state there isn't any bullet drop or wind affects on the bulet. Like how battlefield bad company 2 had bullet drop at long distances, this is a GREAT idea, but i just dont see how this can be any challenge.
I know, if Halo had BFBC2 realism, id be married to it. As the challenge part goes, i meant more in the way of how long it takes to destroy all targets, or like calling out a certain area and seeing who can shoot the target in that area the quickest. This isnt that bib of a mini-game style map, but it didnt really fit in another forum
Pretty cool map, but i think it would fit in the mini game forum better. also, why is it bootcamp if there's a 3D TV, a lounge, and a pool table?
Well, I am an NCO in the Marine Corps, so i know what bootcamp looks like. This isnt basic training, so there are a bit more luxuries. When you go to be a scout sniper, you go through another camp, they dont treat you as bad bc your already in the Corps.
I have BFBC 2. If you had moving objects in bfbc2, you would have to aim the bullet about two inches AHEAD of your target. For me, it was actually easier so you didnt have to trace your target. I cant wait till I do multiplayer. also, how can this fit into the minigame forum if there really is no minigame? I think other maps in casual should be in competitive or even atheistic because causal is for having fun with friends, not seeing who can bag the highest score. This map has no real goal to it, its just having fun with friends with sniper rifles doing cool stuff.