Coma. (V2 Update for throwdown) Coma. Built for 1v1, but plays small ffa parties and up to 3v3 team games. V1 YouTube - Reach Forge Map: Coma. V2
I like the overall style of your design and architecture. Nice use of glass. I am a fan of 1v1's in Reach, so if you need a player send me a FR.
Oh, thanks for the offer, but I absolutely hate reach. I never play it except to test maps and forge and I have been testing this for about 3 months about. Though again, thank you.
The only beef I had with this map was that some of the spawns (in FFA) were a bit predictable. I seemed to spawn in the same spot quite a few times. Also, the ceiling on the top floor (where the lift takes you) was a little too low. Otherwise it was pretty damn fun even though I prefer team games.
Actually, the roofs were meant to be low. I wanted to replicate the battles that go on in S1 in guardian. Where you bounce off the roofs while strafing to avoid shots. It's my favorite thing to do. haha. When we played I believe there was 6 people in ffa, it was a bit cramped so there was not much I could change for spawns. I just recomend less people or team games to be honest. Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it a lot.
Why do so many people hate Reach? Anyway the map looks new and exciting, almost like you put time into this map...
Though I build all my maps within a few hours. I do put VERY much thought into each and every one of them. People hate reach cause it's garbage for a competitive game. It's easier than drawing a stick figure and its just a tuned down version of every other halo. In my opinion. I like games that take skill...
I really like your windows on either side of sword spawn. Hawt. Map looks like it plays well, from what I can tell from pictures. But I will have to see for myself. Overall looks worthy of me owning some squeakers online.
I liked this map, overall, when we played it. While my beef doesn't lay with the low ceiling, I felt the spawns were a tad heavy on that 'lift' side of the map. Now as I wasn't consistently spawning there, I did a lot. Seems as if everyone else did too.
=p oh yeah Blaze, haha. I remember being in your forge game when you where trying to find out what to do with that whole area there, I put the blocks down and then u put those windows made of columns and my face was like =D. Overall, this is a great map, I am truly amazed at how well the battle is scattered across the map, there is'nt one single spot that is overly contained/controlled, very good map. =)
I have been testing for months. I think I've tweaked everything to what I feel is best. Just too need to write up a post, get a gameplay video and pics done, if possible.
Great looking, very well forged map. It's small but complex enough to hold your interest. I look forward to trying it when you're finished.
It's basically finished. Just minor tweaking and adding cameras. The download link is in the video description incase you want to test it out.
My initial thoughts were that it looked a little big for 1v1 (which is probably why it can fit 3) but that certainly isn't a problem. Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoy slower paced games. However, I haven't played it and therefore my opinion is sort of invalid. If you ever need people to test with, hit me up. I'm always looking for more map test/custom buddies. My gamertag is the same as my username. Good luck in the contest by the way Regards, Rho
If you feel guardian was too big for a 1v1, then you may feel the same about this, This is just remotely smaller in scale than guardian would be. It's a little slow paced for a 1v1, but its a lot smaller than any maps I've seen so far. Go ahead and try it our. The DL link is in the throwdown submission thread. I'm not sure how well it will do in the contest but I guess that will tell me if it's worth posting or not. EDIT: The testing for this has been done for months and months now. But go ahead and add me. GT= BlazeIsGodly. I wouldn't mind getting some more. ^-^