Tank Jet Ski is a original mini game created by CAPNxCANT and I. It's a 4v4 race between two tanks. Each person has their own role. Before I tell ya about the roles, here's pix to guide you along. This is where each team spawns. They rush to their tanks. They gotta wait 20 seconds for a ramp to spawn before they begin their race. Yes those tanks don't have guns. Only three people spawn near the tank. The fourth man spawns up high in a overlook type thing. Yeah this. So the person that spawns in there's goal is to EMP the enemy tank with their plasma pistol, you might think that it'd be a little cheap for someone to EMP a slow moving tank over and over,but even though they have a 3x overshield, their health doesn't recharge. So whoever has the role of being the tank turret can wreck you if you don't be careful. Here's a pic of the main part of the map. Imagine two tanks, one on each side, with a guy manning the machine gun turret and a guy just chillin on top. The guy that just sits on top's job is to run and get the stockpile flag whenever they get to the end of the track. He hops of onto a little thing of rocks, grabs the flag, hops back on, and the driver goes back to their spawn where they can put the flag into the stockpile destination. First team to get to the flag and back wins the round (3 rounds). TL ; DR: Tanks racing=hard in the paint. And if anyone wants to know how to make it so there is no gun on the scorpion/wraith, just drop a landmine on it.
Someone is making a game very similar to this, at least to the point with turret less tanks. I think he is using territories though.
I can't find his account here, but I will pm you the link to another website where he posted a preview.
That was me. It's k though. The only common thing is turretless tanks as boats and it's on halo. Nice way of popping the turret. I used a land mine.
Is there a written rule that you cannot use inspiration that you receive from another person's map to make one that is somewhat similar? I have wondered about this for some time. Now that you stress the issue, I would like to know... [br][/br]Edited by merge: I have to check this out... But I really don't think I would ever use a decapitated tank. Almost feels.... well... un-Spartan like...mg:
lol, we've never seen his map before. The idea originated in our heads and we weren't inspired by anything.