
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SpecterCody, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Thanks! I'm very happy you enjoyed it. Did you happen to notice anything that was bothering you that could be changed maybe?
  2. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    I really really love this map. Snipers on this map is fun and unpredictable. I especially love the one way shield that sucks the player up when you jump in the warehouse. Makes for some fun momentum. I also like how well the city aesthetics work with the natural features of the cliff. It looks awesome. The balance of the weapons on the map make it feel like I can get to a different weapons really fast on spawn. Congrats on such a sweet map!
  3. SiKiLLiN

    SiKiLLiN Forerunner

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    This map was very impressive. One flaw i noticed though was the One Way Shield 3 located in the room with the red team initial spawns doesnt touch the wall with the three orange cones next to it. It is big enough, you just have to manually adjust it. Otherwise you can fit nades down into it. Awesome map though.
  4. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    I never noticed that, thanks for pointing it out. I havent touched this map in ages I wonder if I should update it.
  5. SiKiLLiN

    SiKiLLiN Forerunner

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    ah, well im a nub, just joined and just found your maps and was immidiatly depressed when i realised how much better other people are at forge then I am. Allthough I will say my attention to detail is second to none. I dont think one half of a .1 unit bump is worth the update unless it makes it into mm.
  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I played a map called Cougar Plaza in the community play list today. I thought it seemed familiar and that I had seen it somewhere else before. I checked the details on the file and the creator was separate from the author which puzzled me. I did some digging and I found your thread.

    I'm curious as to why someone else has claimed ownership of your map. Can you give any insight?
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    sorry to hear about your map getting jacked bro.

    i feel like this is one of the better of the group right now,
    although the crate room was easy to camp and dominate from.

    liked the layout and use of objects a lot. good job.
  8. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I just played on this and really enjoyed it. While playing it, I recognized a lot of the forging, but the name 'Cougar Palace' threw me off. Now I see why... Its stolen.

    I feel for you bro. I hope Bungie fixes this. Don't they have an original author system on the map? How did they not catch this?

    Either way, you should feel proud that this got into MM. I was really impressed by the gameplay. Very fun, even though we lost.
  9. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Well it seems it was stolen sadly. Its cool it made it to mm, but not under my name. I can't understand why they would do this and think they would get away with it.
  10. General Gilliam

    General Gilliam Ancient
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    I just played this in Community Slayer today, plays really well. Probably my favorite in the current batch of maps.

    That really sucks that someone stole this from you, Hopefully either you or somebody can make bungie realize it's stolen and get you the credit you deserve for this awesome map.
  11. x LeGiT PopTart

    x LeGiT PopTart Forerunner

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    This guy did not make this map... Its on community slayer and is called Cougar plaza... Either he stole it and renamed it or his map is in community slayer.
  12. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    I have a high volume thread on the Bungie.net forums so they will take noticed, I also messages the one in charge of the playlist. I'm awaiting results.

    Please don't turn this into a flame thread, yes he falsely accused me of stealing the map, but that's his problem not ours. You don't want the forgehub mods after you.
  13. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Guys, most of us know what's been going on about this map being stolen. Keep in mind, it's not known to everyone yet, so keep your insults to yourself. Secondly, this is still a map thread, NOT a discussion thread. All comments still need to be about THIS map and how the creator can improve it.

    This will not turn into a spam thread, I'll promise you that.

    (a.k.a. if you continue to spew useless comments from your mouthhole, or anywhere else for that matter, you will be infracted with the smallest amount of mercy ever seen)
  14. JackalAnubis

    JackalAnubis Ancient
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    Congrads on getting your map into matchmaking! I had thought that because of the map author system map theft wouldn't be a problem, I guess it still is if bungie doesn't bother to check it when they award their map choices. Hope it gets all sorted out!
  15. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    Well to be honest, they did get away with it. ):

    You should message some bungie employees or start a thread on Bungie.net about it or something.
  16. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Check the date on this thread, buddy. No, I'll do it for you: October 31st, 2010.

    Then, do a Google search for "Cougar Plaza" "Halo Reach" by date and go to the last page, which is where the oldest search results will be.

    You'll see that the oldest result is the official (Bungie.net) list of Halo: Reach playlists, where "Cougar Plaza" is listed under "Community Slayer", but this dates back to December 1st, 2010... And Cougar Plaza wasn't in Community Slayer during that time! Viewing Google's cached version of that page confirms that the result is erroneous; "Cougar Plaza" was not mentioned on that page when it was initially recorded in December 1st, 2010.

    The next oldest result is from Jan. 1, 2011. This is a Bungie.net forum thread; viewing Google's cached version confirms that this result is correct.

    From this so-simple-a-caveman-could-do-it detective work, we know several things.

    • This thread for "Empire" was posted on October 31st, 2010.
    • The earliest mention of a Halo: Reach map named "Cougar Plaza" was in the Bungie.net forums. This was months later, in January.
    • No results for "Cougar Plaza" itself (as a download link) appear before that forum thread, meaning that prior to that thread, "Cougar Plaza" was not listed on Google (in a Halo: Reach context). AT ALL.
    And from that, there are two separate conclusions we can draw:

    • Either Empire is a stolen copy of a map that was never posted about anywhere on the Internet... Meaning that Cougar Plaza never had scheduled tests or any public requests for feedback whatsoever, and yet even without organized testing it still made it into Community Slayer...
    • Or, much more likely: Cougar Plaza is a stolen copy of Empire, which was publicly released, tested, and received community feedback.
    Which do you believe? I'm inclined to believe the latter, but I'm biased in favor of common sense, so...

    EDIT: @OP:
    My friend showed me "Cougar Plaza" in Forge (knowing it was stolen), along with Rigged, Centrifugal, and Forlorn. You have a degree of Forging and mapmaking talent that cannot be quantified. Your attention to detail is so precise that there were many moments when, in the midst of admiring some small gameplay-altering facet of your maps, we could not even tell if the detail in question was intentional. (For example: a ramp on Forlorn forms a corner, but it doesn't meet the ground perfectly. If you back someone into that corner and throw a Frag, it will not get caught in the corner and under their feet, becoming an instant kill; it will instead bounce beneath the ramp, limiting the rewards of your grenade spam somewhat.) Empire is a wonderful map, as are the others I've mentioned. I've queued the updated version for download, and I sincerely hope that the mistake is rectified -- and that instead of outright removing "Cougar Plaza", Bungie replaces it with the real Empire.

    EDIT: @OP:
    Seems that Bungie now knows about the theft, but has no plans to put the original in the playlist. (Though they'll consider the updated Empire for the next Community Slayer.) News came from Jeremiah himself. I am very disappointed; I wasn't expecting such apathy toward the theft.
    #56 DavidJCobb, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    It's a shame, but once a map is in the playlist, there isn't much they can do to remove it ahead of time.

    On the plus side, we DO know that this map has MM potential. Cody, I'm going to send you a FR and lets see if we can get this thing into working order for the next playlist update.

    That means its going to need some heavy item reduction and some tweaks to spawns, but overall it shouldn't need too much work.
  18. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    I started editing already and I agree it needs some help, and I'd be very grateful for any advice you could give me. Currently I am finding ways to economize my existing structure and to add cover to the death trap center of the map. Also a member of the CC contacted me and reviewed some of my maps, hopefully I will get a better map into MM. Thanks!
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Oh, and I played the map in MM today, and I was the ONLY one who knew where the focus rifle was! So... you should open that area up more... like I said a looooong time ago =P

    Haha, see?
  20. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    I'm not sure what to do with blue base, it would be a tough rebuild I think, but its possible.

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