Authors: stoyben, Aceofspades0707, and DIEabolical D Map Name: Prolific Map Size: Medium ________________________________________________ Description: Hello all actually reading this part of the post instead of skipping right down to the map. So this map was started by aceofspades0707 in an attempt to make first first map and I'm all like dude.... co-forge and then DIEabolical D was all like dude I'm really happy for you, imma let you finish but a tri-forge would be the greatest thing of all TIME (Kanye west refrence in a map post, WIN?). well enough talking I bet you want to see the map yes, no, maybe? Description: It was a normal day until an E class cruiser had a warp drive error. made by Stoyben DIEabolical D & Aceofspades0707 dude pics are down there what are you reading this for? anonymous: "this map needz moar interlockz 2 out of 5"
This track is very smooth and has especially nice aesthetic pieces, I really like those mini starships I'm downloading nao. BTW nice turret as well 4.5/5
Beautiful map. The aesthetics are unique and entertaining. Perfectly forged, turns, waves, hills, BANKED waves, and such are well thought out and combined to have good flow. Nothing made me flip or roll over so it has smooth flow. You maps need more comments, they're very good. Keep it up stoy boy.
This truly is a wonderful feat of a track. I still cannot believe the length of it, seems like this has 30+ seconds per lap on the average track. A definite keeper.
Prolific Prolific boasts large bends, banks and waves that takes the racer's experience to a new level. Blocks and walls flow together seamlessly to create an incredible racetrack, and laps are extremely long, only prolonging the enjoyment the racer gets. The large bends make every race intense and close. The track flows in such a way that the racer is always on par with the other players; nothing on the track makes the racer have an advantage over one another. The winner is always determined by skill rather than luck. Every race on Prolific seems to never lose fun. It's ingenious design makes it hard to get accustomed to, drastically increasing replay ability. Every lap brings something new, and every race makes the player want more. A race on Prolific brings a different feel to the player than most. Tracks such as Prolific are truly a gem, and any race enthusiast should give it a try. The incredible length of the track is a feat in itself, and the aesthetics offer something new in the world of racetracks. The design of Prolific prohibits any racer from having a 'cheap' advantage. The skill of the racer determines who wins and a player never has an advantage over another if he uses different areas of the track. There are no separate routes on Prolific that could pose as shortcuts. The track has a large enough width so that players can surpass one another by making sharper turns and such. While it is definitely possible to fall off, it's very difficult to do so on Prolific because of the great flow of the track. Prolific is unbreakable. A player cannot drop down on a lower part of the track to gain an advantage. There is no way to cut through any part of the track. It's impossible to leave the track and go into the coliseum due to kill barriers, and the same for the quarry. Screen lag is noticeable whenever the racer turns on the large bend before the track touches the mountain. This lag didn't cause problems while racing. Even though this is minor, it is an easy fix with the deletion of a few lavish objects. Prolific is mainly built in the void between the quarry and the coliseum and provides the racer with very nice scenery. The E-Class Cruiser is skillfully made and helps the player orient themselves. The other two minor spaceships are also well made and a nice touch. On the spawn in the quarry, the player is surrounded by what looks to be a defense from the cruiser. The gun atop one of the outer buildings is a creative use of objects. Natural geometry is utilized by Prolific to create an 'airy' feel. Every aesthetic really aides with the theme. Prolific's design is truly an amazing aesthetic feature in itself. The way it bends and turns just makes it look so natural. Blocks are mended together in a clean manner and the minor jumps are nicely made and never fail. Though the aesthetics are extremely well done and appealing, they create minor screen lag. With deletion of a few of these aesthetic pieces, lag could be gone. Z-fighting is present in some areas of the map, detracting from the appeal of a clean racetrack. While a floating racetrack is nothing new, whether it be in Halo 3 or Reach, the overall design and aesthetics used aren't anything a forger has thought of. The crazy banks make Prolific unique. The bending and twisting of Prolific makes it stand out from all of the other race tracks. The design of Prolific makes racers itch for more, and the length of the track fills that need for more. Prolific separates itself from all of the other floating racetracks with its creative aesthetics. The E-Class Cruiser is fashioned in a natural way. The area on the quarry is also well-made, and provides the racer with very nice visuals to gaze and awe at, whether it be the bank around the rocks or the buildings at the start. The location of Prolific, between the island and the quarry, has been used often when it comes to race tracks. Even if the area is used often, Prolific uses this area better than most tracks. Rating Multipliers [floatleft]Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetic : Originality:[/floatleft]8 x 3.0 = 24 out of 30 9 x 3.0 = 27 out of 30 7 x 1.5 = 10.5 out of 15 8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15 7 x 1.0 = 7 out of 10 With a stunning design, crazy banks and great aesthetics, Prolific sets an example for all other race tracks to follow. Prolific provides countless games of fun. Races are intense and leave every racer wanting more. Final Score Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings