well it seems that I've been a member of forgehub sense Febuary and I have been posting helpful comments for maps, help out members, and at least be a test "dummy" for maps (or I at least try to). and this thread is my formal introduction to forgehub and to all forgers whom I have not yet met. If you would like some help on a map, some map ideas, a review for a map, or just a tester for a map then feel free to message me on forgehub(not my e-mail) or xbox live ( my gamer tag is Bib Bob)
Hey bib bob you know me from Qterm remem?Well hello and i like you,you like me,lets make some babiiiies
well im not a senior member like bib bob or have any special ranks but ill try to help anyone i can because im friends with bib bob... i would call myself the nobody of forge hub because ive been here sice late january.
Welcome to forgehub, i have seen you around and i've seen you in the chatbox if i remember correctly i am Y35, so...have a good time
i've been here as long as you, and i haven't made an intro either. cept i have a thousand or so more posts.