Waterworks was one of my favourites btb maps, if would want to remake the map and say you can use the double ammount of colliseum walls, where would you start building it ?
One would assume the ocean. With all the water and stuff. But please elaborate, like DMM White, I have no idea what you're talking about.
I think he means Waterworks, the halo 2 map. It was a fun map, the problem with remaking it however is that map was more terrain than building. So I suppose one could remake all the structures in it, (such as the center structure and the bases) but you could never really get that in a cave terrain feel of halo 2, so I'd rather not see one done.
Please tell me thats just a joke. Guy makes thread requesting "Waterworld" remake and I ask, "which game?" seeing as people have tried remaking maps from games other than Halo. If PacMonster's right then I'd think the Island might be a good place. You still need to build a lot more ground though
Nonono, I meant I too wanted to know what game this was from. If you do mean waterworks, I have no idea where to build it.
It would have to be completely redone. I can't thing of anywhere that would replicate it, it was just too original.
yeah just make a struture (in the sky) of it using the large walls and put rocks over them the with the remaining money try to make the bases. like he said too original to be done anywere else
I considered remaking this one as well. I think the best spot would be under the big rock cave/cliff to the left of the waterfalls. The shaded area may be big enough to give all or most of the map that dark cavernous feel (as maps like Ore and Caveside have exploited), and nearly half of the rocky wall/ceiling is already there if you can integrate it properly. Then you'll be able to devote less pieces to walls and more the complex structures in the map. Also I don't know who made it but there has been an ok remake of this already, you may want to search for it on bungie.net. See what they did to get an idea of how much budget they used just on the buidlings. They didn't even have the money to make the surrounding walls and roof. :/ Maybe you can do a better job of using fewer pieces to make the same stuff. And if you do build it where I suggested but can't close the whole thing off, at least wall off the view of the waterfalls to hide that lagfest. Good luck!