Need help with my AC adapter.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by hangman3745, May 8, 2008.

  1. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    One day,I was playing my Xbox 360 and all of a sudden it shut off,no power cord fell out of any sockets no red ring of death no nothing.Now when I turn on my 360,with the cords n stuff plugged in,and nothing shows up,not even a ring.But I checked the adapter (the brick shaped thing) and the little light on it isnt even showing up,help with that?
  2. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Can you use a friend's power adapter?
    Try unplugging the wall cord from the "brick" of the adapter and plug it back in. Since you've probably already done that, I'd say it's time to call Microsoft.
    Also, moved from customer service. That's for site stuff only.
  3. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    Sorry,but thanks for moving it,i wasnt sure where to put this topic,anyway i looked at and it told me to unplug my cords and let them cool for a few hours,i set them by a fan.But if anybody has anymore suggestions,go ahead,tell me.
  4. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Once they've cooled off for maybe a half hour, try it again. Are they well ventilated when playing?
  5. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    I hardly check them when I play,I always think nothing is wrong with them,until now,but I can tell you that im using like a modded plug(the plug that is attatched to the power supply "brick").The reason why it was modded is because i had an intercooler and it was messing up my power cable,but all it messed up was the plug to the 360 and where you plug in the plug into the intercooler,so my dad took my ac adapter and the intercooler,then he took the plug part off of the cord of the adapter cord and he took off the plug on the intercooler where you plug the intercooler in the 360 (that part wasnt burned or anything).Then he connected the wires from the intercooler plug and the end of the ac cord where he took off the plug part,then we tested it out,and it worked.He did that around this cristmas.So i hope you understand all of this.
  6. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Did not understand a single sentence of any of that. That could by why your brick exploded... Because of all of that...
    Sounds to me like you need to go down and buy yourself a new one. You've somehow shorted and fried your current adapter...
  7. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    Actually it was for klink to understand,i didnt fry my modded cable,i think something is wrong with the power supply.
  8. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I know something is obviously wrong with the power supply. That's why I said you must have fried it somehow with your crazy set up.

    Not to bash or anything but I can't understand how people treat something worth hundreds of dollars like it's worth five... =\
    Also if you read what I said properly, I said you fried your adapter. Which is the black brick thing. Nothing to do with your "modded cable"

    When the words modded and cable come together in relation to an Xbox 360, you can't be surprised when something goes wrong.

    If this actually effected your 360 somehow you wouldn't get Microsoft repairing it or get money back anything because of your "mod".

    You need to take more care... Seriously, like I said above I'm not trying to be mean. But it's electricity. Be careful in future. Don't go messing around with stuff like that.

    EDIT: And don't say you or your father knew what you were doing because it's quite evident that both of you didn't. As previously stated, I would go down to the shops and see if you can be a replacement.
  9. Scott

    Scott Ancient
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    I heard that if you plug it into a surge protector, it can screw up because the huge brick of a power supply thing has a built in surge protector, and plugging it into another causes the hardware to spazz out.

    Of course, what do I know? I'm retarded with a capital six.

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