As a proud new owner of Bungie Pro i am finally able to post my newest creations to you, my biggest fans. (fans? lmao what fans) Anyway, now that i have room for maps i can start previewing them, starting with Turnpike. I Co-Forged this with Nibbles so credit goes out to him as well. This team-based map supports 8-16 players, any comments are greatly appreciated. Also if anyone is interested in testing for this map, send me a PM on here or XBL. Weapons 1 x Sniper Rifle 1 x Rocket Launcher 2 x Gravity Hammer 6 x DMR 6 x Needle Rifle 2 x Needler 2 x Spiker 2 x Plasma Repeater 2 x Plasma Pistol 4 x Plasma Grenade 2 x Warthog 2 x Ghost 2 x Mongoose Heres a video and some pics to show you a peak of the map, mainly the track. Enjoy. Video (4v4 Slayer DMRs) Spoiler [bungievid]11905200[/bungievid] Pics Spoiler Highway East Gate view Highway Blue Base view West Gate view West Gate Outside view Inside West Gate view Inside East Gate view Red Base
This looks amazing! It's definitely giving off a Rat's Nest type feel and I <3 Rat's nest so.. It took me a while to figure out that it wasn't symmetrical though.. it seems like it very almost is..
Yay I'm in the video...dieing a bunch of times...awh. Fun BTB map. The best part is the center area where you can move around without being dominated by vehicles, and the 2 hammers provide good anti-vehicular capability.
I tested this map once and really enjoyed it. You did an amazing job of keeping it from being vehicle-based gameplay. The rockets and the hammers helped destroy them, and the inside is easily accessable to get away from them, yet they are an asset. Fantastic job, hope to see more from you.
This actually looks better than rats nest. I wish we could see more pics to get a better idea of the central interior are though. As was said above I think you did a great job with the antivehicle weapons to keep them in check. It does limit the number of minimum players you need on the map, however, with all the powerful stuff on the map. I won't be able to play for a while but if you still need testers in like two weeks send me an invite, lol.
This looks quite promising! There aren't enough people building BTB maps out there, and it looks like you've done something right here! Looking forward to seeing this posted.
This map has always been a blast to test. Was feeling the Rat's Nest vibe since the first game. Spawning was like the only thing that needed any attention. Well done guys. btw, got splattered like 30 seconds into that vid, lol.
We're still trying to work out the issues with the spawns. They seem to work very well with 4v4-5v5. I've got some more ideas to run past Bows, but in short the map is slowly approaching completion.
yes, I remember testing this. the map seemed very cool, but the lag was so bad that it was hard to tell for sure. I definitely like the vehicle setup though.
Lag...I don't remember lag. There was one game when there was network lag and the host switched a couple of times but there aren't any places where framerate lag occurs. There isn't that many interlocking objects in the map
I meant network lag... that **** was horrible. I didn't mean it had anything to do with the map. I doubt there are any framerate issues on here.
UPDATE: Red side is getting some small fixes to balance vehicle movement with blue side. Spawns are still being tweaked and fixed everytime we work on it. The weapon variety will soon be much wider (adding repeaters, magnums and assault rifles).