Hey Whats Up Everyone! Thanks for checking my map out Please leave some comments but nothing like it was rubish! thanks i will try to upload the video later! here are some pictures enjoy oh and btw this is no way a remake of any level in bioshock! i just called it that because i thought hmmm... underwater. BIOSHOCK! thanks bye ------- Pictures : Just A Picture Of Me Main Part Of The Map! (Under Water Area) Main Hallway To The Bioshocks Spawn :O Main Stair-Way To Rooms! Front Stairway View! The Water Level ( I know its not perfect but there was nothing else to use!) Thanks Everyone! If You Don't Think Its Good Try Playing it! See Ya! Edit* Some More Pictures Bioshocks Spawn A Little Heidie Hole! Raider Spawn (Bar) {they spawn in a poker place!} Raiders Spawn (Entrance) Enoy!
This map looks wicked dude! I once had an idea simliar to this but i never created it. So one question, is the entire map underwater? or just the main area? Imma dl and check it out friday. Then i'll come back with some real feedback. for now i'll give it a 8/10, because it looks a little messy from the pictures but I know your going for that floating objects feel since everything is underwater so that's alright.
Your Hella Cool! OMG thanks so much dude! and yeah i was trying to make it messy because the map has been underwater for so long everything is eroding oh and everything under neath is but the upper part of the map isnt
i think that you shoul actually make this filled with water. part of it at least other wise youll drown. but ive seen people make a full story filled with water and nobody drowned. i dont know how i know he did it. so try that. but really cool
I had a simular type of idea to this. Only it was underwater. There is a certain part of forgeworld that you can go underwater and not die. I love Bioshock 2, I totally see where the idea came from (Level Wise). I gotta say, its quite amazing. I'll give it a download and comment about it later.
Hey man thanks and yeah i know the underwater bit but have you been under there? you cant see a thing? i don't see how a map would work under there that's why i didn't make it there =D
WOW! complete props bro . I was reluctant whether or not I should look at this map but I figured what the heck. The idea for the underwater part by using the grid was geniuse! I don't know how it plays but I feel that it will be asethetically pleasing no matter what haha. Kudos to you and good luck in the future.
Wow its very realistic although it is bad that you cant make a big daddy though btw would it be possible to add me if not then will you be able to send it GT:LikedLewis